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Library for writing system daemons

Results 9 daemonize issues
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Without the waitpid() it is possible that the setsid() has not completed yet when the main process terminates, potentially causing a race condition: If setsid() has not completed and the...

Hey there, curious to know if you were planning a 0.5 release to crates.io. I did see some discussion in #44 on the topic. I'm opening a new issue to...

if i run in tokio::spawn and println anything in asynchronous programming, it can't println stdout or stderr in my file

Add line separator to pid file since systemd shows the warning log: ``` Failed to parse PID from file foo.pid: Invalid argument ```

# Problem We have a non-root program using a hybrid system for daemonisation, it must use the PID files created by Daemonize. The files need to be `chown`ed to the...

As described in section 8.1 of https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~daw/papers/setuid-usenix02.pdf, setuid should be avoided because of its inconsistent implementation across different unix systems. Instead, setreuid should be used, as it is more consistent...

1. The `child_ret` returned by current `waitpid` is the status information of the child process, NOT the exit code. https://github.com/knsd/daemonize/blob/8a87c0b9e5568d2d57284d68e18ea5f24dcad5fb/daemonize/src/lib.rs#L443-L447 We can get the exit code with `libc::WEXITSTATUS`. 2. I...

Hi and thank you so much for making this amazingly useful crate. The error mod seems incredibly useful to treat errors differently, but unless I'm missing something (and that's not...