GW2-ArcDPS-Boon-Table copied to clipboard
- boons generation (self/group/squad)
- add graph for boon uptime (like the one arcdps or EI has)
- add hover effect on rows (mouseover highlights row)
- NPC tracking broke completely!
- Fix yourself on top and Subgroups/Total on bottom, so they are not scrolled. (freezing on bottom not possible)
- automatic resize name column
- colour your names with profession colours
- add profession icons
- add commander icon back in
Release v2.4.0
- ~~add option to apply
~~ - ~~move arcdps options option directly below 'Area Stats', so it feels and looks more natural~~
Release v2.3.1
- ~~buffer for appear as in option is overriding each other~~
- ~~window is always resizing and flickering when window right-aligned~~
- ~~add option to change header text~~
- ~~add option to hide scrollbars~~
Release v2.3.0
- ~~add option to fill from bottom (bottom stays when height changes)~~
- ~~make the window height based on "max displayed names". grow as needed and only show scrollbar when highter.~~
- ~~only load icons when they are needed (lazy loading)(use smart pointer)~~
- ~~add autoupdate~~
- ~~make window position locked to other window~~
- ~~fix self player detection~~
- ~~remove removal of padding~~
- ~~add option to select padding (style -> padding)~~
- ~~add option to only show a specific amount of letters for usernames (display -> max_player_length)~~
- ~~keybinds for opening boon table 1/2/3/4?~~
- ~~add option to rename listing in arcdps settings (style->appear as in option)~~
Release v2.2.0
- ~~add popup when on new release~~
- ~~More class only buffs~~
- ~~Guardian: Signet of Resolve, Bane Signet, Signet of Judgement, Signet of Mercy, Signet of Wrath, and Signet of Courage, Ashes of the Just, Unbroken Lines~~
- ~~Revenant: Soulcleave's Summit, and Razorclaw's Rage, Breakrazor's Bastion~~
- ~~Ranger: Bear Stance, Dolyak Stance, Griffon Stance, Moa Stance, Vulture Stance, One Wolf Pack~~
- ~~add mistlock buff tracking~~
- ~~make boon names long (remove the shorted names like "ea" or "ppd")~~
- ~~again darker colors and changeable colors for "by profession" coloring mode~~
- ~~add button to make background transparent with one click~~
- ~~show self on top~~
- ~~reset table settings button~~
Release v2.1.0
- ~~Make charactername clipped, so the window doesn't change size all the time.~~
- ~~Enable manual resizing of columns (and/or make the window responsive)~~
- ~~add easy way to change/add languages aka. localization~~
- ~~disable/remove arcdps boon table checkbox~~
- ~~only show your own group~~
- ~~option to remove window header~~
- ~~use icons instead of text in header (see plugin)~~
- ~~Make username removable~~
- ~~fix colors (they are not the same as the ones in arcdps itself)~~
- ~~by percentage colors are too bright~~
- ~~vertical lines are printed~~
- ~~the submenu is hooking in the mouse~~
- ~~by profession colors are too dark, when using text instead of progress bar~~
- ~~only start calculating, when boss is there (remove dhuum/xera pre). arcdps is doing it by
invuln buff removal or damage to boss npc, whichever happens first
. For xeracbts_logstart
event can be used.~~ - ~~change own usernames color~~
- ~~make header centered without adding the arrow to the calculation~~
- ~~make multiple windows possible~~
- ~~move settings back into the right click menu~~
- ~~add custom possibility to hide/show columns~~
- ~~Schoolar uptime (time player is above 90% health)~~
- ~~only show yourself~~