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Each node needs a render flag
Each node should have a simple boolean render attribute that is respected by the renderer. This would open up very powerful visualizations possibilities. E.g. a Python plugin that sets this flag based on spatial proximities between certain trees and much more. The flag needs to be exposed to Python.
Do we want this to be true by default, but stored to the NML when negative?
Maybe we should also optionally store it where positive to allow explicit override of visibility when merging from an NML? In short, please define this feature more explicitly.
Actually I would not store it in the nml at all. True by default yes. This flag should also not be used by the existing rendering mechanisms (whole skeleton, selected trees), as they operate on the tree level.
I'm not sure I understand, what do you mean by "mechanisms"? Bottom line, this flag should be respected by the renderrer or otherwise useless.
I mean the existing mechanisms that allow a specification of what is rendered or not. I.e. the flag should complement these options, but not be able to override them. For example: Whole skeleton is selected: 50% of nodes are set to "false" => only 50% are rendered. Or: "selected trees" is selected and 50% of all nodes are set to "true". => Render all nodes of the selected trees, but not nodes of unselected trees, even when their flag is true.
Alright, so it does in fact override other TRUEs with FALSE, but not other FALSEs with TRUE. In other words, the decision whether to render a node is a cumulative AND gate on differing (mostly independent) visibility conditions.