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Very Slow - HELP!
Hi All
I am bagging my head.
ESP32 - Publish message its quick. I can publish as fast as I like.
Subscribe to topic. Its slow the call back appears to lag. Its as if there is a delay in it.
Is there any debug mode to see if the messages arrive and its a call back issue?
I currently have 1 ESP32 publishing the other subscribing. With a count. Its constantly missing messages.
Where is the delay? Any thoughts any one seen it. HELP!!!
Call back has been set as minium the code is crashing for some reason:
Call Back Message length:
Call Back Message length:
[ 88034][V][ssl_client.cpp:369] send_ssl_data(): Writing HTTP request with 2 bytes...
[103038][V][ssl_client.cpp:321] stop_ssl_socket(): Cleaning SSL connection.
Session Reconnect
Attempting MQTT connection...[103039][V][ssl_client.cpp:62] start_ssl_client(): Free internal heap before TLS 183828
[103045][V][ssl_client.cpp:68] start_ssl_client(): Starting socket
[103076][V][ssl_client.cpp:146] start_ssl_client(): Seeding the random number generator
[103077][V][ssl_client.cpp:155] start_ssl_client(): Setting up the SSL/TLS structure...
[103080][V][ssl_client.cpp:178] start_ssl_client(): Loading CA cert
[103090][V][ssl_client.cpp:254] start_ssl_client(): Setting hostname for TLS session...
[103094][V][ssl_client.cpp:269] start_ssl_client(): Performing the SSL/TLS handshake...
[104252][V][ssl_client.cpp:290] start_ssl_client(): Verifying peer X.509 certificate...
[104252][V][ssl_client.cpp:298] start_ssl_client(): Certificate verified.
[104255][V][ssl_client.cpp:313] start_ssl_client(): Free internal heap after TLS 145144
[104263][V][ssl_client.cpp:369] send_ssl_data(): Writing HTTP request with 234 bytes...
[106045][V][ssl_client.cpp:369] send_ssl_data(): Writing HTTP request with 29 bytes...
Call Back Message length:
If any need, you can checkout H4AsyncMQTT and see whether it fits your needs.