cm-druid copied to clipboard
define versioning scheme
Define versioning scheme for the following cases.
- CDH upgrade itself
- Druid upgrade
- Parcel bug fix
- CSD bug fix
Define Release candidate tags and prod tag.
Parcels There doesn't seem to be standard but most of Cloudera parcels follow this pattern:
<parcel name>-<original version>.cdh<cdh version>.<patch version>.<build version>
Example: the parcel version for druid-0.9.2, CDH 5.8.0 should be DRUID-0.9.2.cdh.cdh5.8.0.p0.1
As far as I collected examples, they follow this pattern:
<service type>-<cdh version>
Example: DRUID-5.8.0
But I'm not sure if this is expressive enough. I guess one service type can support one version only in CDH, hence the cdh version only. Needs research.