Erich Schubert

Results 106 comments of Erich Schubert

Is still being updated? There are many pull requests and issues open here, and its 10 months since the last time the web site was updated.

Which pip version is installed? Does updating pip first help - I have seen pip update calls in many github actions scripts. Maybe the binary pip tags were only added...

The 0.3.1 seems to have generated `kmedoids-0.3.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.whl ` wheels, while 0.3.2 only has newer compatibility `kmedoids-0.3.2-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_28_x86_64.whl ` wheels. I do not know why the older compatibility level manylinux1 was not...

We have been using the same container as for 0.3.1, and manylinux1 was no longer built. So the change that cause manylinux1 to be dropped may have been in any...

I tried building on the manylinux1 containers, but that just causes dependency hell, as various github actions no longer work on such old OS. scipy and scikit-learn appear to have...

Pull request looks good. Do these packages install on AWS Lamda images?

In my opinion, the bad default values should be removed and these parameters should be made mandatory. Backwards compatibility is a worthy goal, nevertheless it should not prevent you from...

In the second DBSCAN paper, section 4.2 "Determining the parameters" > Sander, J., Ester, M., Kriegel, H. P., & Xu, X. (1998). Density-based clustering in spatial databases: The algorithm gdbscan...

Unfortunately, I don't think there is a general rule. German writers would likely simply avoid ending a sentence with a digit. There are too many: 1. Platz, 1. Preis, 1....

Looking at some of the results for English Wikipedia, it may be well worth investigating sentence splitting further; e.g. abbreviation detection. For example on [enwiki:I Represent]( (album): ``` 6. Like...