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Supporing returning on delete with sqlite3

Open mohammedbalila opened this issue 6 months ago • 4 comments

This PR is an attempt to fix delete('*') doesn't return deleted rows mentioned in here

  • It's almost done, but the following test case is failing and I'm investigating it. should allow returning for deletes in postgresql and mssql the error message is clear
      -    "id": 2
      +    "id": "2"

I'm trying to figure out why the id is returned as a number and not a string like other dialects

mohammedbalila avatar Dec 02 '23 21:12 mohammedbalila

Coverage Status

coverage: 92.809% (+0.02%) from 92.787% when pulling 535ead6ea2acf906bdbeb80b54430366da1931ab on mustafabalila:sqlite-delete-returning-issue-5757 into 6243f6cbd5421c9db046979b60fe8661b523581f on knex:master.

coveralls avatar Dec 02 '23 23:12 coveralls

The tests are passing but I'm not 100% sure about this code block, all other databases in the test block return the id as a string id: '2' and the test was failing because sqlite returns it as a number, I tried inspecting the code to find why this is happening but didn't have much luck. So I updated the test the expect a numeric id instead, if someone could explain to me why sqlite was different in this case I'd be grateful!

  'delete from `accounts` where `id` = ? returning *',
      id: 2,
      first_name: 'Test',
      last_name: 'User',
      email: '[email protected]',
      logins: 1,
      balance: 0,
      about: 'Lorem ipsum Dolore labore incididunt enim.',
      created_at: TEST_TIMESTAMP,
      updated_at: TEST_TIMESTAMP,
      phone: null,

mohammedbalila avatar Dec 03 '23 20:12 mohammedbalila

Anything I can do to help here? Would be great to get this in sometime in the near future 😄

code-ape avatar Dec 13 '23 15:12 code-ape

@code-ape Can you investigate concern raised in and report back whether or not this is something that needs addressing?

kibertoad avatar Dec 13 '23 15:12 kibertoad

Hey @code-ape Any updates on this? Let me know if I need to change anything. Thanks

mohammedbalila avatar Apr 06 '24 20:04 mohammedbalila