Android-ParallaxHeaderViewPager copied to clipboard
How to use with RecycleView or with ScrollView?
Can you post an example with ScrollView or with the new RecycleView class? Thanks
just change this method: @Override public void adjustScroll(int scrollHeight) { if (scrollHeight == 0&& scrollView.getScrollY() > Constants.headerHeight) { return; } scrollView.scrollTo(scrollView.getScrollX(),Constants.headerHeight- scrollHeight); }
That only half way works, if the content of the scrollview isn't greater than the size of the window then the scrollview won't scroll when calling scrollTo
I have also added a "footer" to the content whose height was dinamically calculated so every page can scroll at minimum the full height of the header. But is not a really clean solution
Yeah I was thinking of that, I ended up animating the header back to the original position if canScrollVertically returns false when switching the view page. Also not really the perfect solution but functional.