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use Server-Side Effect ✨in React SSR app


useSSE npm version Node.js CI

useSSE is abbreviation for use server-side effect. It is a custom React hook to perform asynchronous effects both on client and serve side.

npm i use-sse


Use useSSE to fetch data in component:

import React from "react";
import { useSSE } from "use-sse";

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [data, error] = useSSE(() => {
    return fetch("").then((res) => res.json());
  }, []);

  return <div>{data.title}</div>;

All effects will be resolved on server side during rendering.

This is a part of server side render phase. Se an example for the whole code.

const { ServerDataContext, resolveData } = createServerContext();

// We need to render app twice.
// First - render App to reqister all effects
    <App />

// Wait for all effects to finish
const data = await resolveData();

// Inject into html initial data

// Render App for the second time
// This time data form effects will be avaliable in components
const htmlStream = renderToNodeStream(
    <App />

On client side of application use BroswerDataContext:

// This will create context will all data fetched during server side rendering
const BroswerDataContext = createBroswerContext();

    <App />



const [data, error] = useSSE(effect, dependencies);


param type required description example
effect () => Promise<any> true effect function returning promise which resolves to data () => fetch('').then(res=>res.json())
dependencies any[] false list of dependencies like in useEffect []


Returns an array with two elements [data, error].

  • data - resolved response from effect
  • error - an error if effect rejected or if timeout happend.


Creates server side context.

const { ServerDataContext, resolveData } = createServerContext();


ServerDataContext - React context provider component.

  <App />

resolveData - function to resolve all effects.

const data = await resolveData(timeout);
param type required default value description
timeout number false undefined max number of ms to wait for effects to resolve

data is an object containing value of context.

Calling data.toHtml(variableName) will return a html script tak with stringified data:

param type required default value description
variableName string false _initialDataContext name of global variable
// "<script>window._initialDataContext = { context data };</script>"

Both should be used in server side render function.


Creates client side context.



param type required default value description
variableName string false _initialDataContext name of global variable


BroswerDataContext - React context provider for client side application

  <App />


See example directory for React with SSR and useSSE.

The same example is avaliable on CodeSandbox.