geodaisy copied to clipboard
Python GeoJSON, WKT, and __geo_interface__ made easy
Closes #1. Also, removed deprecated Python 2 from build matrix.
## OK wkt = 'POLYGON ((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))' print(convert.wkt_to_geojson(wkt)) ## OK wkt = 'POLYGON ((30.5 10.3, -40.5 40.1, 20.5 40.3, 10.5 20.6, 30.5...
Hi, I am using geodaisy to convert wkt that I am getting from an api into geojson to use as part of a webapp. The response strings I get from...
wkt_to_geojson is wrong with 'POLYGON Z ((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))'
Hi, thanks for this very useful package! I’ve found a bug in LineString conversion: ``` >>> wkt = 'LINESTRING (-58.6120605 -34.64203155822248,-58.6132713 -34.6409059)' >>> convert.wkt_to_geojson(wkt) '{"type": "LineString", "coordinates": [-93.25409205822248, -93.2541772]}' ```...