Karthikeyan Madathil

Results 57 comments of Karthikeyan Madathil

@gasyoun Please try a different input. This is an error condition that somehow is hanging the API

I've sped this case up using on_the_fly constraint checking (explained in the Sphinx document). This case takes about 8 seconds on my computer ``` time python scripts/sanskrit_parser vakya "sA tu...

Please hold on while we update the web service. We are working through some deployment issue with the sped-up code. It should work for you after that.

`sanskrit_parser.generator` was intended to be a place holder for a forward pass "generator" which we've briefly touched upon. The first subtask would be to implement the forward pass sandhi generator,...

Hi Abhijit, Please report the other issues so we can look at them, Thanks! On Sat, Aug 1, 2020, 9:43 AM am4096 wrote: > SOLVED THIS ISSUE by using Devanagari...

Agree. Capitalizing the first letter in the string may not have been a great choice. Let's go with your idea of making the examples and the API use the uppercase...

I think we should use this (dcs co-occurance) to rank splits that have been marked morphologically valid. The morpho branch is progressing, albeit slowly. See #28 Step 1: Prune the...

Stats? गच्छाम्यहम् and अहङ्गच्छामि are equivalent. That a particular order is *favoured* does not mean we've got to enforce that, IMO. I'd rather allow morphologically valid splits even if they...

Thanks for the link, I will read that. However, within the context of this project, we're worried about *legitimacy* rather than *usage*. Something that's used less, but still legitimate, must...

@vvasuki उपकृतोहं‌ सङ्केतेनास्यपुस्तकस्य ! @gasyoun Thanks for introducing us to this. Our approach should end up less naive as a result.