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Terraform Modules

Terraform Modules Developed by kloia team

Terraform modules designed for provision resources on amazon web services . Our terraform modules are totally opensource and contributing from this repository .

You can check the module usage and implementation on examples directory that containing example usage of the modules .


  • VPC
  • S3
  • ACM
  • CloudFront
  • CloudFlare
  • CloudFlare Worker
  • CloudFlare PageRules
  • EFS
  • Elasti Cache
  • RDS
  • SQS
  • ROUTE53

Releas and Production Grade Usage :

This repositories are actively contributing to that if you want to be sure of production-grade version you can check the releases and notices from there => RELEASES

For example recently we have Sqs module and working on the v0.0.15sqs-bugfix release also you can check other releases of other modules


You can fork the repository and contrib repo via pull-requests . Never hesitate and Community UP :smile: :heart: