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asking for more settings in HA for Thermia heat pump
Hi as you know I took your python code and have been using it with great success to control my ATEC I am now starting to use HA and was thinking could I move the code I currently have in a Google Sheet Automation script which runs ever night into HA
the key elements to this are as follows becasue in the ATEC you cannot via the API force hot water production to start I use a different approch - I drop or rasie the "Hot Water" star teno (107061) so at 11:05 pm (cheap electric) I rasie ths to 47 - which basically will force the HP to make hot water and then at 7am (end of cheap electric) I drop this to 40. At 8pm at night I drop this to 30 so that no h/w is made "just before the cheap electriciy window"
it would be great to have access to 107061 - hot water start 107046 - Supply line minimum - as I do the same trick with the UFH - force additional heat into the floor over night at cheap rate so that it comes out during the date
for some reason 114187 seems to sometimes get reset when I change the above so it might be usful to have this expose as well
exposing all of these would allow me to do what I do in a google sheet in HA and prehaps others could do some of the same tricks as me Francis