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java Environment
Hi Klehmann, Is it possible run java (standalone) program on domino server host (linux)? currently I've tried, but receive error: Initializing Domino JNA with mode Direct com.mindoo.domino.jna.errors.NotesError: Could not open the ID file (error code: 6402, raw error with all flags: 6402) on NotesDatabase dbData = new NotesDatabase(session, "", "fakenames.nsf");
java environment variables are: -DNOTESINI=/local/notesdata/notes.ini -DNOTESDATA=/loca/notes/data -Duser.dir=/local/notesdata java.library.path=/opt/ibm/domino/notes/latest/linux
thanks in advance Mike
I haven't tested it but would expect that it works.
Did you call com.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesInitExtended(String[])
at the start of your program and com.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesTerm()
at the end?
And for each Thread that is accessing Domino data, call com.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesInitThread()
at the start and com.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesTermThread()
at the end.
It's also important to wrap the code in a com.mindoo.domino.jna.gc.NotesGC.runWithAutoGC(Callable<T>)
I haven't tested it but would expect that it works.
Did you call
at the start of your program andcom.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesTerm()
at the end?And for each Thread that is accessing Domino data, call
at the start andcom.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesTermThread()
at the end.It's also important to wrap the code in a
didn't ...
I've only copy/past code from manual at your start page
what values should be in String array?
Try new String[0]
. These are the command line parameters to launch Notes. E.g. you could specify "=c:\temp\notes.ini"
to set the Notes.ini path.
new String[0]
. These are the command line parameters to launch Notes. E.g. you could specify"=c:\temp\notes.ini"
to set the Notes.ini path.
Thank you a lot I'll try Small question - what will happen if only domino server present (client is absent) and it's running, and it's Linux platform (ubuntu distr)?
What do you mean? Domino JNA would run with the server ID. Ubuntu is an unsupported platform for Domino btw. :-)
What do you mean? Domino JNA would run with the server ID.
yes true, but I have user ID (if it's necessary)
Ubuntu is an unsupported platform for Domino btw. :-)
unsupported but works :;)
In general, you would not need it, since the server can switch user contexts when opening a database.
E.g. use new NotesDatabase(String server, String filePath, String asUserCanonical)
with asUserCanonical=""
for the server ID user or with any Notesname for a different user context.
The specified username is used for read/write access checks and written into $UpdatedBy when saving documents.
There's one exception where you would need your ID file, which is encryption. By default, the server ID would be used to encrypt/decrypt data.
I am not sure how complete the APIs are to use a different ID file.
There is com.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.IDUtils.openUserIdFile(String, String, IDAccessCallback<T>)
to open an ID file and get a NotesUserId
object back which can be used for signing (com.mindoo.domino.jna.NotesNote.sign(NotesUserId, boolean)
) and encryption (com.mindoo.domino.jna.NotesNote.copyAndEncrypt(NotesUserId, EnumSet<EncryptionMode>)
/ com.mindoo.domino.jna.NotesNote.decrypt(NotesUserId)
But I haven't really tested this so far.
Sorry, I've tried, but unsuccessfull :( my code
package com.setralubs;
import com.mindoo.domino.jna.*;
import com.mindoo.domino.jna.NotesCollection.EntriesAsListCallback;
import com.mindoo.domino.jna.constants.Navigate;
import com.mindoo.domino.jna.constants.OpenNote;
import com.mindoo.domino.jna.constants.ReadMask;
import com.mindoo.domino.jna.gc.NotesGC;
import lotus.domino.NotesException;
import lotus.domino.NotesFactory;
import lotus.domino.NotesThread;
import lotus.domino.Session;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
public class DominoApi{
public static void main(String[] args) throws NotesException {
System.out.println("-Duser.dir=" +
try {
com.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesInitExtended(new String[] {"/local/notesdata/notes.ini"});
NotesGC.runWithAutoGC(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
Session session = NotesFactory.createSession();
NotesDatabase dbData = new NotesDatabase(session, "", "fakenames.nsf");
//NotesDatabase dbData = new NotesDatabase("dom2/CRUINTERNET", "fakenames.nsf", "dom2/CRUINTERNET");
NotesCollection colFromDbData = dbData.openCollectionByName("People");
boolean includeCategoryIds = false;
LinkedHashSet<Integer> allIds = colFromDbData.getAllIds(Navigate.ALL_DESCENDANTS);
NotesIDTable selectedList = colFromDbData.getSelectedList();
String startPos = "0";
int entriesToSkip = 1;
int entriesToReturn = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
EnumSet returnNavigator = EnumSet.of(Navigate.NEXT_SELECTED);
int bufferSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
EnumSet returnData = EnumSet.of(ReadMask.NOTEID, ReadMask.SUMMARY);
List<NotesViewEntryData> selectedEntries = colFromDbData.getAllEntries(startPos, entriesToSkip,
returnNavigator, bufferSize, returnData, new EntriesAsListCallback(entriesToReturn));
for (NotesViewEntryData currEntry : selectedEntries) {
NotesNote note = dbData.openNoteById(currEntry.getNoteId(), EnumSet.noneOf(OpenNote.class));
note.getItemValueString("lastname") + ", " + note.getItemValueString("firstname"));
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
and result
-Djava.library.path=/opt/ibm/domino/notes/latest/linux -Duser.dir=/local/notesdata Initializing Domino JNA with mode Direct com.mindoo.domino.jna.errors.NotesError: Error initializing Notes connection at com.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesInitExtended( at com.setralubs.DominoApi.main( Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at lotus.domino.local.NotesReferenceQueue.decThreadCount(Unknown Source) at lotus.domino.NotesThread.stermThread(Unknown Source) at com.setralubs.DominoApi.main(
And for each Thread that is accessing Domino data, call
at the start andcom.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesTermThread()
at the end.
@klehmann thanks again... that works with small details for domino server:
will initiate server shutdown (if it's started). I've had such behavior one time
I can't use with any strings in array exept new String[]{}
or new String[0]
In general, you would not need it, since the server can switch user contexts when opening a database. E.g. use
new NotesDatabase(String server, String filePath, String asUserCanonical)
for the server ID user or with any Notesname for a different user context.
with any user (and blank) selectedEntries
is Empty
Regarding the NullPointerException, got that here as well with the R11 beta. Found out that the order of stermThread/NotesTerm is wrong in my unit test. See fb61763f7e8dad2dd96aeb67facf506017432c03
And I remember seeing this server shutdown, probably because the server things that a subprocess has terminated abnormally. Could you please check if this changed order fixes this behavior? I'm quite busy these days, will probably take some time to run the API against a server on my machine.
Klehmann Thank you
Regarding the NullPointerException, got that here as well with the R11 beta. Found out that the order of stermThread/NotesTerm is wrong in my unit test. See fb61763
this has happened when I've tried use parameters as com.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesInitExtended(new String[]{"/local/notesdatanotes.ini"});
I've tired today and have received core dump on
com.mindoo.domino.jna.errors.NotesError: Error initializing Notes connection at com.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesInitExtended(
with com.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesInitExtended(new String[]{});
all are working, except colFromDbData.getAllEntries(startPos, entriesToSkip, returnNavigator, bufferSize, returnData, new EntriesAsListCallback(entriesToReturn));
return empty list...
here my code
import com.mindoo.domino.jna.NotesCollection.EntriesAsListCallback;
import com.mindoo.domino.jna.constants.Navigate;
import com.mindoo.domino.jna.constants.OpenNote;
import com.mindoo.domino.jna.constants.ReadMask;
import com.mindoo.domino.jna.gc.NotesGC;
import lotus.domino.NotesException;
import lotus.domino.NotesFactory;
import lotus.domino.NotesThread;
import lotus.domino.Session;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
public class DominoApi{
public static void main(String[] args) throws NotesException {
System.out.println("-Duser.dir=" +
try {
//initialize domino instance
com.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesInitExtended(new String[]{});
//com.mindoo.domino.jna.utils.NotesInitUtils.notesInitExtended(new String[]{"/local/notesdata/notes.ini"});
NotesGC.runWithAutoGC(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
//NotesThread.sinitThread();//not necessary
//Session session = NotesFactory.createSession();//not necessary
//NotesDatabase dbData = new NotesDatabase(session, "", "names.nsf");//not necessary
//NotesDatabase dbData = new NotesDatabase("CN=mail1/O=CRUINTERNET", "names.nsf", "CN=mail1/O=CRUINTERNET");
//NotesDatabase dbData = new NotesDatabase("CN=mail1/O=CRUINTERNET", "names.nsf", "");
//NotesDatabase dbData = new NotesDatabase("", "names.nsf", "CN=admin/O=CRUINTERNET");
NotesDatabase dbData = new NotesDatabase("", "names.nsf", "");
System.out.println("Db server: "+dbData.getServer());
System.out.println("Context User: "+dbData.getContextUser());
NotesCollection colFromDbData = dbData.openCollectionByName("People");
boolean includeCategoryIds = false;
LinkedHashSet<Integer> allIds = colFromDbData.getAllIds(Navigate.ALL_DESCENDANTS);
NotesIDTable selectedList = colFromDbData.getSelectedList();
String startPos = "0";
int entriesToSkip = 1;
int entriesToReturn = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
EnumSet returnNavigator = EnumSet.of(Navigate.NEXT_SELECTED);
int bufferSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
EnumSet returnData = EnumSet.of(ReadMask.NOTEID, ReadMask.SUMMARY);
List<NotesViewEntryData> selectedEntries = colFromDbData.getAllEntries(startPos, entriesToSkip,
returnNavigator, bufferSize, returnData, new EntriesAsListCallback(entriesToReturn));
System.out.println("Entries count:" + selectedEntries.size());
for (NotesViewEntryData currEntry : selectedEntries) {
NotesNote note = dbData.openNoteById(currEntry.getNoteId(), EnumSet.noneOf(OpenNote.class));
note.getItemValueString("lastname") + ", " + note.getItemValueString("firstname"));
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
//NotesThread.stermThread();//not necessary
//terminate domino instance
follow to result
-Djava.library.path=/opt/ibm/domino/notes/latest/linux -Duser.dir=/local/notesdata Initializing Domino JNA with mode Direct 0E:AA (0 MB): 100% 19.09.2019 14:04:27 0E:A8 19.09.2019 14:04:27 03:3E 19.09.2019 14:04:27 03:3E Db server: Context User: CN=dom2/O=CRUINTERNET Entries count:0 1090054
Please check if allIds contains any values.
LinkedHashSet<Integer> allIds = colFromDbData.getAllIds(Navigate.ALL_DESCENDANTS);
here does not really make sense. Haven't tried that one in this context. Try Navigate.NEXT_NONCATEGORY
to read all documents or Navigate.NEXT
to read category note ids as well.
Please check if allIds contains any values.
LinkedHashSet<Integer> allIds = colFromDbData.getAllIds(Navigate.ALL_DESCENDANTS);
here does not really make sense. Haven't tried that one in this context. TryNavigate.NEXT_NONCATEGORY
to read all documents orNavigate.NEXT
to read category note ids as well.
thnx it's working :)
I created a sample standalone app that is working on my Mac (running in Eclipse):
Haven‘t checked yet what happens on a Domino server.
I created a sample standalone app that is working on my Mac (running in Eclipse):
Thanks , it's very helpful
Just noticed that your notesInitExtended arguments seem to be wrong. The first one should be the Notes program directory and the second one "=" + the path to the Notes.ini.
See for the C method documentation.
That's what I am doing in my JUnit base class:
Thanks main issue is server environment, I don't remember notes.ini as parameter for server binary. So I think it's not possible to use notes.ini path for me