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PHP SDK for Klaviyo API

Klaviyo PHP SDK

  • SDK version: 7.1.2
  • API Revision: 2024-02-15

Helpful Resources

Design & Approach

This SDK is a thin wrapper around our API. See our API Reference for full documentation on behavior.

This SDK mirrors the organization and naming convention of the above language-agnostic resources, with a few namespace changes to conform to PHP idioms (details in Appendix).


This SDK is organized into the following resources:

  • Accounts

  • Campaigns

  • Catalogs

  • Coupons

  • DataPrivacy

  • Events

  • Flows

  • Images

  • Lists

  • Metrics

  • Profiles

  • Reporting

  • Segments

  • Tags

  • Templates


You can install this package using our Packagist package:

composer require klaviyo/api

Usage Example

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

use KlaviyoAPI\KlaviyoAPI;

$klaviyo = new KlaviyoAPI(
    $num_retries = 3, 
    $wait_seconds = 3,
    $guzzle_options = [],
    $user_agent_suffix = "/YOUR_APP_NAME");

$response = $klaviyo->Metrics->getMetrics();

Use Case Examples

How to use filtering, sorting, and spare fieldset JSON API features

Use Case: Get events associated with a specific metric, then return just the event properties sorted by oldest to newest datetime.


NOTE: the filter param values need to be url-encoded

How to filter based on datetime

Use Case: Get profiles that have been updated between two datetimes.


How to use pagination and the page[size] param

Use Case: Use cursor-based pagination to get the next 20 profile records.


NOTE: This page cursor value is exactly what is returned in the self/next/prev response values

How to add additional information to your API response via additional-fields and the includes parameter

Use Case: Get a specific profile, return an additional predictive analytics field, and also return the list objects associated with the profile.


How to use our relationship endpoints to see related resources

Use Case: Get all list memberships for a profile with the given profile_id.


How to see what Klaviyo objects are associated with a specific tag

Use Case: Get all campaigns associated with the given tag_id.


Uploading Image From File

When using Images.uploadImageFromFile(file, name=name), `file`` can be either a file path string OR a bytearray.

NOTE: when file is a bytearray, you will need to use the optional name parameter to specify the file name, else name will default to unnamed_image_from_python_sdk

as a file path

filepath = '/path/to/image.png'
klaviyo.Images.upload_image_from_file(file, name=name)

as a bytearray

filepath = '/path/to/image.png'
with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
    file = f.read()
klaviyo.Images.upload_image_from_file(file, name=name)

Retry behavior

  • The SDK retries on resolvable errors, namely: rate limits (common) and server errors on Klaviyo's end (rare).
  • The keyword arguments in the example above define retry behavior
    • wait_seconds denotes how long to wait per retry, in seconds
    • If you wish to disable retries, set $num_retries = 0
    • the example is populated with the default values
  • non-resolvable errors and resolvable errors which have timed out throw an ApiException, detailed below.

Error Handling

This SDK throws an ApiException error when the server returns a non resolvable response, or a resolvable non-2XX response times out.

If you'd like to extend error handling beyond what the SDK supports natively, you can use the following methods to retrieve the corresponding attributes from the ApiException object:

  • getCode() : int
  • getMessage() : str
  • getResponseBody() : bytes
  • getResponseHeaders() : string[]

For example:

try { 
} catch (Exception $e) {
  if ($e->getCode() == SOME_INTEGER) {

Important Notes

  • The main difference between this SDK and the language-agnostic API Docs that the below endpoints link to is that this SDK automatically adds the revision header corresponding to the SDK version.
  • Organization: Resource groups and functions are listed in alphabetical order, first by Resource name, then by OpenAPI Summary. Operation summaries are those listed in the right side bar of the API Reference. These summaries link directly to the corresponding section of the API reference.
  • For example values / data types, as well as whether parameters are required/optional, please reference the corresponding API Reference link.
  • Some keyword args are required for the API call to succeed, the API docs above are the source of truth regarding which keyword args are required.
  • JSON payloads should be passed in as associative arrays
  • A strange quirk of PHP is that default/optional arguments must be passed in in order, and MUST be included and set as null, at least up to the last default value you wish to use.
    • For example, if a given function has the following optional parameters someFunction($a=1, $b=2, $c=3), and you wish to only set $b, you MUST pass in someFunction($a=null, $b=$YOUR_VALUE)
    • Otherwise, if you pass in something such as someFunction($b=$YOUR_VALUE), PHP will actually assign the $YOUR_VALUE to parameter $a, which is wrong.
  • $api_key is optional, as it is set at client-level. However, you can override the client key wherever by passing in $api_key as the LAST optional param. Reminder: DO NOT use private API keys client-side / onsite.
  • Paging: Where applicable, $page_cursor can be passed in either as a parsed string, or as the entire self.link response returned by paged API endpoints.

Comprehensive list of Operations & Parameters


Get Account

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_account | string[]

$klaviyo->Accounts->getAccount($id, $fields_account=$fields_account);

Get Accounts

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_account | string[]



Create Campaign

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create Campaign Clone

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Assign Campaign Message Template

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create Campaign Recipient Estimation Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create Campaign Send Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Delete Campaign

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Campaign

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_campaign_message | string[]
# $fields_campaign | string[]
# $fields_tag | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Campaigns->getCampaign($id, $fields_campaign_message=$fields_campaign_message, $fields_campaign=$fields_campaign, $fields_tag=$fields_tag, $include=$include);

Get Campaign Campaign Messages

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_campaign_message | string[]
# $fields_campaign | string[]
# $fields_template | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Campaigns->getCampaignCampaignMessages($id, $fields_campaign_message=$fields_campaign_message, $fields_campaign=$fields_campaign, $fields_template=$fields_template, $include=$include);

Get Campaign Message

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_campaign_message | string[]
# $fields_campaign | string[]
# $fields_template | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Campaigns->getCampaignMessage($id, $fields_campaign_message=$fields_campaign_message, $fields_campaign=$fields_campaign, $fields_template=$fields_template, $include=$include);

Get Campaign Message Campaign

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_campaign | string[]

$klaviyo->Campaigns->getCampaignMessageCampaign($id, $fields_campaign=$fields_campaign);

Get Campaign Message Relationships Campaign

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Campaign Message Relationships Template

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Campaign Message Template

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_template | string[]

$klaviyo->Campaigns->getCampaignMessageTemplate($id, $fields_template=$fields_template);

Get Campaign Recipient Estimation

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_campaign_recipient_estimation | string[]

$klaviyo->Campaigns->getCampaignRecipientEstimation($id, $fields_campaign_recipient_estimation=$fields_campaign_recipient_estimation);

Get Campaign Recipient Estimation Job

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_campaign_recipient_estimation_job | string[]

$klaviyo->Campaigns->getCampaignRecipientEstimationJob($id, $fields_campaign_recipient_estimation_job=$fields_campaign_recipient_estimation_job);

Get Campaign Relationships Campaign Messages

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Campaign Relationships Tags

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Campaign Send Job

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_campaign_send_job | string[]

$klaviyo->Campaigns->getCampaignSendJob($id, $fields_campaign_send_job=$fields_campaign_send_job);

Get Campaign Tags

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_tag | string[]

$klaviyo->Campaigns->getCampaignTags($id, $fields_tag=$fields_tag);

Get Campaigns

## Positional Arguments

# $filter | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_campaign_message | string[]
# $fields_campaign | string[]
# $fields_tag | string[]
# $include | string[]
# $page_cursor | string
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Campaigns->getCampaigns($filter, $fields_campaign_message=$fields_campaign_message, $fields_campaign=$fields_campaign, $fields_tag=$fields_tag, $include=$include, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $sort=$sort);

Update Campaign

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Campaigns->updateCampaign($id, $body);

Update Campaign Message

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Campaigns->updateCampaignMessage($id, $body);

Update Campaign Send Job

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Campaigns->updateCampaignSendJob($id, $body);


Create Back In Stock Subscription

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create Catalog Category

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create Catalog Category Relationships Items

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Catalogs->createCatalogCategoryRelationshipsItems($id, $body);

Create Catalog Item

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create Catalog Item Relationships Categories

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Catalogs->createCatalogItemRelationshipsCategories($id, $body);

Create Catalog Variant

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Delete Catalog Category

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Delete Catalog Category Relationships Items

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Catalogs->deleteCatalogCategoryRelationshipsItems($id, $body);

Delete Catalog Item

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Delete Catalog Item Relationships Categories

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Catalogs->deleteCatalogItemRelationshipsCategories($id, $body);

Delete Catalog Variant

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Catalog Categories

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_category | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCatalogCategories($fields_catalog_category=$fields_catalog_category, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $sort=$sort);

Get Catalog Category

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_category | string[]

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCatalogCategory($id, $fields_catalog_category=$fields_catalog_category);

Get Catalog Category Items

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_item | string[]
# $fields_catalog_variant | string[]
# $filter | string
# $include | string[]
# $page_cursor | string
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCatalogCategoryItems($id, $fields_catalog_item=$fields_catalog_item, $fields_catalog_variant=$fields_catalog_variant, $filter=$filter, $include=$include, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $sort=$sort);

Get Catalog Category Relationships Items

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCatalogCategoryRelationshipsItems($id, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Catalog Item

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_item | string[]
# $fields_catalog_variant | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCatalogItem($id, $fields_catalog_item=$fields_catalog_item, $fields_catalog_variant=$fields_catalog_variant, $include=$include);

Get Catalog Item Categories

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_category | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCatalogItemCategories($id, $fields_catalog_category=$fields_catalog_category, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $sort=$sort);

Get Catalog Item Relationships Categories

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCatalogItemRelationshipsCategories($id, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Catalog Item Variants

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_variant | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCatalogItemVariants($id, $fields_catalog_variant=$fields_catalog_variant, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $sort=$sort);

Get Catalog Items

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_item | string[]
# $fields_catalog_variant | string[]
# $filter | string
# $include | string[]
# $page_cursor | string
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCatalogItems($fields_catalog_item=$fields_catalog_item, $fields_catalog_variant=$fields_catalog_variant, $filter=$filter, $include=$include, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $sort=$sort);

Get Catalog Variant

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_variant | string[]

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCatalogVariant($id, $fields_catalog_variant=$fields_catalog_variant);

Get Catalog Variants

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_variant | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCatalogVariants($fields_catalog_variant=$fields_catalog_variant, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $sort=$sort);

Get Create Categories Job

## Positional Arguments

# $job_id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_category_bulk_create_job | string[]
# $fields_catalog_category | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCreateCategoriesJob($job_id, $fields_catalog_category_bulk_create_job=$fields_catalog_category_bulk_create_job, $fields_catalog_category=$fields_catalog_category, $include=$include);

Get Create Categories Jobs

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_category_bulk_create_job | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCreateCategoriesJobs($fields_catalog_category_bulk_create_job=$fields_catalog_category_bulk_create_job, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Create Items Job

## Positional Arguments

# $job_id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_item_bulk_create_job | string[]
# $fields_catalog_item | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCreateItemsJob($job_id, $fields_catalog_item_bulk_create_job=$fields_catalog_item_bulk_create_job, $fields_catalog_item=$fields_catalog_item, $include=$include);

Get Create Items Jobs

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_item_bulk_create_job | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCreateItemsJobs($fields_catalog_item_bulk_create_job=$fields_catalog_item_bulk_create_job, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Create Variants Job

## Positional Arguments

# $job_id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_variant_bulk_create_job | string[]
# $fields_catalog_variant | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCreateVariantsJob($job_id, $fields_catalog_variant_bulk_create_job=$fields_catalog_variant_bulk_create_job, $fields_catalog_variant=$fields_catalog_variant, $include=$include);

Get Create Variants Jobs

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_variant_bulk_create_job | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getCreateVariantsJobs($fields_catalog_variant_bulk_create_job=$fields_catalog_variant_bulk_create_job, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Delete Categories Job

## Positional Arguments

# $job_id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_category_bulk_delete_job | string[]

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getDeleteCategoriesJob($job_id, $fields_catalog_category_bulk_delete_job=$fields_catalog_category_bulk_delete_job);

Get Delete Categories Jobs

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_category_bulk_delete_job | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getDeleteCategoriesJobs($fields_catalog_category_bulk_delete_job=$fields_catalog_category_bulk_delete_job, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Delete Items Job

## Positional Arguments

# $job_id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_item_bulk_delete_job | string[]

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getDeleteItemsJob($job_id, $fields_catalog_item_bulk_delete_job=$fields_catalog_item_bulk_delete_job);

Get Delete Items Jobs

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_item_bulk_delete_job | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getDeleteItemsJobs($fields_catalog_item_bulk_delete_job=$fields_catalog_item_bulk_delete_job, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Delete Variants Job

## Positional Arguments

# $job_id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_variant_bulk_delete_job | string[]

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getDeleteVariantsJob($job_id, $fields_catalog_variant_bulk_delete_job=$fields_catalog_variant_bulk_delete_job);

Get Delete Variants Jobs

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_variant_bulk_delete_job | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getDeleteVariantsJobs($fields_catalog_variant_bulk_delete_job=$fields_catalog_variant_bulk_delete_job, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Update Categories Job

## Positional Arguments

# $job_id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_category_bulk_update_job | string[]
# $fields_catalog_category | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getUpdateCategoriesJob($job_id, $fields_catalog_category_bulk_update_job=$fields_catalog_category_bulk_update_job, $fields_catalog_category=$fields_catalog_category, $include=$include);

Get Update Categories Jobs

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_category_bulk_update_job | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getUpdateCategoriesJobs($fields_catalog_category_bulk_update_job=$fields_catalog_category_bulk_update_job, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Update Items Job

## Positional Arguments

# $job_id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_item_bulk_update_job | string[]
# $fields_catalog_item | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getUpdateItemsJob($job_id, $fields_catalog_item_bulk_update_job=$fields_catalog_item_bulk_update_job, $fields_catalog_item=$fields_catalog_item, $include=$include);

Get Update Items Jobs

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_item_bulk_update_job | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getUpdateItemsJobs($fields_catalog_item_bulk_update_job=$fields_catalog_item_bulk_update_job, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Update Variants Job

## Positional Arguments

# $job_id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_variant_bulk_update_job | string[]
# $fields_catalog_variant | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getUpdateVariantsJob($job_id, $fields_catalog_variant_bulk_update_job=$fields_catalog_variant_bulk_update_job, $fields_catalog_variant=$fields_catalog_variant, $include=$include);

Get Update Variants Jobs

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_catalog_variant_bulk_update_job | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Catalogs->getUpdateVariantsJobs($fields_catalog_variant_bulk_update_job=$fields_catalog_variant_bulk_update_job, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Spawn Create Categories Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Spawn Create Items Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Spawn Create Variants Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Spawn Delete Categories Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Spawn Delete Items Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Spawn Delete Variants Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Spawn Update Categories Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Spawn Update Items Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Spawn Update Variants Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Update Catalog Category

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Catalogs->updateCatalogCategory($id, $body);

Update Catalog Category Relationships Items

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Catalogs->updateCatalogCategoryRelationshipsItems($id, $body);

Update Catalog Item

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Catalogs->updateCatalogItem($id, $body);

Update Catalog Item Relationships Categories

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Catalogs->updateCatalogItemRelationshipsCategories($id, $body);

Update Catalog Variant

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Catalogs->updateCatalogVariant($id, $body);


Create Coupon

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create Coupon Code

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Delete Coupon

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Delete Coupon Code

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Coupon

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_coupon | string[]

$klaviyo->Coupons->getCoupon($id, $fields_coupon=$fields_coupon);

Get Coupon Code

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_coupon_code | string[]
# $fields_coupon | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Coupons->getCouponCode($id, $fields_coupon_code=$fields_coupon_code, $fields_coupon=$fields_coupon, $include=$include);

Get Coupon Code Bulk Create Job

## Positional Arguments

# $job_id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_coupon_code_bulk_create_job | string[]
# $fields_coupon_code | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Coupons->getCouponCodeBulkCreateJob($job_id, $fields_coupon_code_bulk_create_job=$fields_coupon_code_bulk_create_job, $fields_coupon_code=$fields_coupon_code, $include=$include);

Get Coupon Code Bulk Create Jobs

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_coupon_code_bulk_create_job | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Coupons->getCouponCodeBulkCreateJobs($fields_coupon_code_bulk_create_job=$fields_coupon_code_bulk_create_job, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Coupon Code Relationships Coupon

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Coupons->getCouponCodeRelationshipsCoupon($id, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Coupon Codes

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_coupon_code | string[]
# $fields_coupon | string[]
# $filter | string
# $include | string[]
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Coupons->getCouponCodes($fields_coupon_code=$fields_coupon_code, $fields_coupon=$fields_coupon, $filter=$filter, $include=$include, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Coupon Codes For Coupon

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_coupon_code | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Coupons->getCouponCodesForCoupon($id, $fields_coupon_code=$fields_coupon_code, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Get Coupon For Coupon Code

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_coupon | string[]

$klaviyo->Coupons->getCouponForCouponCode($id, $fields_coupon=$fields_coupon);

Get Coupon Relationships Coupon Codes

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Coupons

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_coupon | string[]
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Coupons->getCoupons($fields_coupon=$fields_coupon, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Spawn Coupon Code Bulk Create Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Update Coupon

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Coupons->updateCoupon($id, $body);

Update Coupon Code

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Coupons->updateCouponCode($id, $body);


Request Profile Deletion

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array



Create Event

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Get Event

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_event | string[]
# $fields_metric | string[]
# $fields_profile | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Events->getEvent($id, $fields_event=$fields_event, $fields_metric=$fields_metric, $fields_profile=$fields_profile, $include=$include);

Get Event Metric

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_metric | string[]

$klaviyo->Events->getEventMetric($id, $fields_metric=$fields_metric);

Get Event Profile

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $additional_fields_profile | string[]
# $fields_profile | string[]

$klaviyo->Events->getEventProfile($id, $additional_fields_profile=$additional_fields_profile, $fields_profile=$fields_profile);

Get Event Relationships Metric

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Event Relationships Profile

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Events

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_event | string[]
# $fields_metric | string[]
# $fields_profile | string[]
# $filter | string
# $include | string[]
# $page_cursor | string
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Events->getEvents($fields_event=$fields_event, $fields_metric=$fields_metric, $fields_profile=$fields_profile, $filter=$filter, $include=$include, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $sort=$sort);


Get Flow

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_flow_action | string[]
# $fields_flow | string[]
# $fields_tag | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Flows->getFlow($id, $fields_flow_action=$fields_flow_action, $fields_flow=$fields_flow, $fields_tag=$fields_tag, $include=$include);

Get Flow Action

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_flow_action | string[]
# $fields_flow_message | string[]
# $fields_flow | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Flows->getFlowAction($id, $fields_flow_action=$fields_flow_action, $fields_flow_message=$fields_flow_message, $fields_flow=$fields_flow, $include=$include);

Get Flow For Flow Action

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_flow | string[]

$klaviyo->Flows->getFlowActionFlow($id, $fields_flow=$fields_flow);

Get Flow Action Messages

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_flow_message | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_size | int
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Flows->getFlowActionMessages($id, $fields_flow_message=$fields_flow_message, $filter=$filter, $page_size=$page_size, $sort=$sort);

Get Flow Action Relationships Flow

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Flow Action Relationships Messages

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Flows->getFlowActionRelationshipsMessages($id, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size, $sort=$sort);

Get Flow Flow Actions

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_flow_action | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Flows->getFlowFlowActions($id, $fields_flow_action=$fields_flow_action, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size, $sort=$sort);

Get Flow Message

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_flow_action | string[]
# $fields_flow_message | string[]
# $fields_template | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Flows->getFlowMessage($id, $fields_flow_action=$fields_flow_action, $fields_flow_message=$fields_flow_message, $fields_template=$fields_template, $include=$include);

Get Flow Action For Message

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_flow_action | string[]

$klaviyo->Flows->getFlowMessageAction($id, $fields_flow_action=$fields_flow_action);

Get Flow Message Relationships Action

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Flow Message Relationships Template

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Flow Message Template

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_template | string[]

$klaviyo->Flows->getFlowMessageTemplate($id, $fields_template=$fields_template);

Get Flow Relationships Flow Actions

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $filter | string
# $page_size | int
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Flows->getFlowRelationshipsFlowActions($id, $filter=$filter, $page_size=$page_size, $sort=$sort);

Get Flow Relationships Tags

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Flow Tags

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_tag | string[]

$klaviyo->Flows->getFlowTags($id, $fields_tag=$fields_tag);

Get Flows

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_flow_action | string[]
# $fields_flow | string[]
# $fields_tag | string[]
# $filter | string
# $include | string[]
# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Flows->getFlows($fields_flow_action=$fields_flow_action, $fields_flow=$fields_flow, $fields_tag=$fields_tag, $filter=$filter, $include=$include, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size, $sort=$sort);

Update Flow Status

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Flows->updateFlow($id, $body);


Get Image

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_image | string[]

$klaviyo->Images->getImage($id, $fields_image=$fields_image);

Get Images

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_image | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Images->getImages($fields_image=$fields_image, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size, $sort=$sort);

Update Image

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Images->updateImage($id, $body);

Upload Image From File

## Positional Arguments

# $file | \SplFileObject

## Keyword Arguments

# $name | string
# $hidden | bool

$klaviyo->Images->uploadImageFromFile($file, $name=$name, $hidden=$hidden);

Upload Image From URL

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array



Create List

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Add Profile To List

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Lists->createListRelationships($id, $body);

Delete List

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Remove Profile From List

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Lists->deleteListRelationships($id, $body);

Get List

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $additional_fields_list | string[]
# $fields_list | string[]
# $fields_tag | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Lists->getList($id, $additional_fields_list=$additional_fields_list, $fields_list=$fields_list, $fields_tag=$fields_tag, $include=$include);

Get List Profiles

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $additional_fields_profile | string[]
# $fields_profile | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Lists->getListProfiles($id, $additional_fields_profile=$additional_fields_profile, $fields_profile=$fields_profile, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size, $sort=$sort);

Get List Relationships Profiles

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Lists->getListRelationshipsProfiles($id, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size, $sort=$sort);

Get List Relationships Tags

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get List Tags

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_tag | string[]

$klaviyo->Lists->getListTags($id, $fields_tag=$fields_tag);

Get Lists

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_list | string[]
# $fields_tag | string[]
# $filter | string
# $include | string[]
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Lists->getLists($fields_list=$fields_list, $fields_tag=$fields_tag, $filter=$filter, $include=$include, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Update List

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Lists->updateList($id, $body);


Get Metric

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_metric | string[]

$klaviyo->Metrics->getMetric($id, $fields_metric=$fields_metric);

Get Metrics

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_metric | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Metrics->getMetrics($fields_metric=$fields_metric, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Query Metric Aggregates

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array



Create or Update Profile

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create Profile

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create or Update Push Token

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Get Bulk Profile Import Job

## Positional Arguments

# $job_id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_list | string[]
# $fields_profile_bulk_import_job | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Profiles->getBulkProfileImportJob($job_id, $fields_list=$fields_list, $fields_profile_bulk_import_job=$fields_profile_bulk_import_job, $include=$include);

Get Bulk Profile Import Job Errors

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_import_error | string[]
# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int

$klaviyo->Profiles->getBulkProfileImportJobImportErrors($id, $fields_import_error=$fields_import_error, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size);

Get Bulk Profile Import Job Lists

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_list | string[]

$klaviyo->Profiles->getBulkProfileImportJobLists($id, $fields_list=$fields_list);

Get Bulk Profile Import Job Profiles

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $additional_fields_profile | string[]
# $fields_profile | string[]
# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int

$klaviyo->Profiles->getBulkProfileImportJobProfiles($id, $additional_fields_profile=$additional_fields_profile, $fields_profile=$fields_profile, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size);

Get Bulk Profile Import Job Relationships Lists

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Bulk Profile Import Job Relationships Profiles

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int

$klaviyo->Profiles->getBulkProfileImportJobRelationshipsProfiles($id, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size);

Get Bulk Profile Import Jobs

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_profile_bulk_import_job | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Profiles->getBulkProfileImportJobs($fields_profile_bulk_import_job=$fields_profile_bulk_import_job, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size, $sort=$sort);

Get Profile

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $additional_fields_profile | string[]
# $fields_list | string[]
# $fields_profile | string[]
# $fields_segment | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Profiles->getProfile($id, $additional_fields_profile=$additional_fields_profile, $fields_list=$fields_list, $fields_profile=$fields_profile, $fields_segment=$fields_segment, $include=$include);

Get Profile Lists

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_list | string[]

$klaviyo->Profiles->getProfileLists($id, $fields_list=$fields_list);

Get Profile Relationships Lists

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Profile Relationships Segments

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Profile Segments

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_segment | string[]

$klaviyo->Profiles->getProfileSegments($id, $fields_segment=$fields_segment);

Get Profiles

## Keyword Arguments

# $additional_fields_profile | string[]
# $fields_profile | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Profiles->getProfiles($additional_fields_profile=$additional_fields_profile, $fields_profile=$fields_profile, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size, $sort=$sort);

Merge Profiles

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Spawn Bulk Profile Import Job

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Subscribe Profiles

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Suppress Profiles

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Unsubscribe Profiles

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Unsuppress Profiles

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Update Profile

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Profiles->updateProfile($id, $body);


Query Campaign Values

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array

## Keyword Arguments

# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Reporting->queryCampaignValues($body, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Query Flow Series

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array

## Keyword Arguments

# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Reporting->queryFlowSeries($body, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Query Flow Values

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array

## Keyword Arguments

# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Reporting->queryFlowValues($body, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);


Get Segment

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $additional_fields_segment | string[]
# $fields_segment | string[]
# $fields_tag | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Segments->getSegment($id, $additional_fields_segment=$additional_fields_segment, $fields_segment=$fields_segment, $fields_tag=$fields_tag, $include=$include);

Get Segment Profiles

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $additional_fields_profile | string[]
# $fields_profile | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Segments->getSegmentProfiles($id, $additional_fields_profile=$additional_fields_profile, $fields_profile=$fields_profile, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size, $sort=$sort);

Get Segment Relationships Profiles

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $page_size | int
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Segments->getSegmentRelationshipsProfiles($id, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $page_size=$page_size, $sort=$sort);

Get Segment Relationships Tags

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Segment Tags

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_tag | string[]

$klaviyo->Segments->getSegmentTags($id, $fields_tag=$fields_tag);

Get Segments

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_segment | string[]
# $fields_tag | string[]
# $filter | string
# $include | string[]
# $page_cursor | string

$klaviyo->Segments->getSegments($fields_segment=$fields_segment, $fields_tag=$fields_tag, $filter=$filter, $include=$include, $page_cursor=$page_cursor);

Update Segment

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Segments->updateSegment($id, $body);


Create Tag

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create Tag Group

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create Tag Relationships Campaigns

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Tags->createTagRelationshipsCampaigns($id, $body);

Create Tag Relationships Flows

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Tags->createTagRelationshipsFlows($id, $body);

Create Tag Relationships Lists

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Tags->createTagRelationshipsLists($id, $body);

Create Tag Relationships Segments

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Tags->createTagRelationshipsSegments($id, $body);

Delete Tag

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Delete Tag Group

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Delete Tag Relationships Campaigns

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Tags->deleteTagRelationshipsCampaigns($id, $body);

Delete Tag Relationships Flows

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Tags->deleteTagRelationshipsFlows($id, $body);

Delete Tag Relationships Lists

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Tags->deleteTagRelationshipsLists($id, $body);

Delete Tag Relationships Segments

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Tags->deleteTagRelationshipsSegments($id, $body);

Get Tag

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_tag_group | string[]
# $fields_tag | string[]
# $include | string[]

$klaviyo->Tags->getTag($id, $fields_tag_group=$fields_tag_group, $fields_tag=$fields_tag, $include=$include);

Get Tag Group

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_tag_group | string[]

$klaviyo->Tags->getTagGroup($id, $fields_tag_group=$fields_tag_group);

Get Tag Group Relationships Tags

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Tag Group Tags

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_tag | string[]

$klaviyo->Tags->getTagGroupTags($id, $fields_tag=$fields_tag);

Get Tag Groups

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_tag_group | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Tags->getTagGroups($fields_tag_group=$fields_tag_group, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $sort=$sort);

Get Tag Relationships Campaigns

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Tag Relationships Flows

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Tag Relationships Lists

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Tag Relationships Segments

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Tag Relationships Tag Group

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Tag Tag Group

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_tag_group | string[]

$klaviyo->Tags->getTagTagGroup($id, $fields_tag_group=$fields_tag_group);

Get Tags

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_tag_group | string[]
# $fields_tag | string[]
# $filter | string
# $include | string[]
# $page_cursor | string
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Tags->getTags($fields_tag_group=$fields_tag_group, $fields_tag=$fields_tag, $filter=$filter, $include=$include, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $sort=$sort);

Update Tag

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Tags->updateTag($id, $body);

Update Tag Group

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Tags->updateTagGroup($id, $body);


Create Template

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create Template Clone

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Create Template Render

## Positional Arguments

# $body | associative array


Delete Template

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string


Get Template

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_template | string[]

$klaviyo->Templates->getTemplate($id, $fields_template=$fields_template);

Get Templates

## Keyword Arguments

# $fields_template | string[]
# $filter | string
# $page_cursor | string
# $sort | string

$klaviyo->Templates->getTemplates($fields_template=$fields_template, $filter=$filter, $page_cursor=$page_cursor, $sort=$sort);

Update Template

## Positional Arguments

# $id | string
# $body | associative array

$klaviyo->Templates->updateTemplate($id, $body);


Global Keyword args


  • These are arguments that you can apply to any endpoint call, and which are unique to the SDK.
  • They come LAST, AFTER ALL the endpoint-specific keyword args listed above, in the same order they are listed below.
  • They are subject to the same quirks as any other PHP keyword args, in that to be included, they need to be preceeded by all keyword args listed before them. This includes all endpoint-specific keyword args for a given endpoint, along with any preceeding global keyword args listed below, if applicable. This holds even if those other keyword args are not being used; in that case, set those to null, but again, they must be included.

We currently support the following global keyword args:

  • $apiKey : use this to override the client-level api_key, which you define upon client instantiation.


In the interest of making the SDK conform to PHP idioms, we made the following namespace changes relative to the language agnostic resources up top (API Docs, Guides, etc).

  • Underscores are stripped from function names (operation IDs)
  • Function names use camelCase (e.g. getMetrics)
  • Resource names use PascalCase (e.g. Metrics)
  • Parameter names remain unchanged

Parameters & Arguments

We stick to the following convention for parameters/arguments

  1. All parameters are passed as function args.
  2. All optional params, as well as all Body and Form Data params (including required ones), are passed as keyword args.
  3. All query and path params that are tagged as required in the docs are passed as positional args.
  4. $api_key is optional, as it is set at client level. However, you can override the client key wherever by passing in $api_key as the LAST optional param. Reminder: don't do this client-side.