figma-tokens icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
figma-tokens copied to clipboard

๐ŸŽจ A light tool for generate Figma design tokens as variables.

figma-tokens ยท GitHub license npm Gzip size

A light tool for generate Figma design tokens as variables.

๐Ÿš€ Installation

npm install figma-tokens --save-dev

๐Ÿง How to use?

Extract Figma tokens schema

figma-tokens api

Generate tokens as variables

Generate tokens as all plattforms tokens variables with a figma schema.

Supported format: CSS / SCSS / LESS / JS / JSON

figma-tokens build

๐Ÿค Requeriments

Duplicate figma design tokens file

Duplicate and use the figma file to work with the token structure.

๐Ÿ“„ Figma file template


Get your figma file id


Get your figma API key


Modify config with your figma API key and figma id in config.figma.json

Create config

Create a config.figma.json file and added your credentials.

  "FIGMA_APIKEY": "Your Figma API key",
  "FIGMA_ID": "Your Figma file id"

Working on an npm package, you can look at this repository meanwhile :)


MIT License ยฉ Juan Carlos Ruiz