taskbook copied to clipboard
Error when create boards
I try to create a task with specific board named @construbem, but when i run the code bellow, create my task in general board @My Board
@BrunoGiubilei Your are doing the wrong command. Please try this one tb --list construbem
. It's working fine on my end.
dont work
I'm having the same issue. Unable to create boards. Everything is in "My Board"
It seems that specific board names are only ignored if taskbook is used within Windows Powershell.
Adding a task with a specific board name in Windows Powershell:
> tb --task @coding Improve documentation
√ Created task: 1
> tb
My Board [0/1]
1. [ ] Improve documentation
0% of all tasks complete.
0 done · 0 in-progress · 1 pending · 0 notes
the task will be added to the default board and not to the specific board as expected.
Doing exactly the same in Windows CMD:
> tb --task @coding Improve documentation
√ Created task: 1
> tb
@coding [0/1]
1. [ ] Improve documentation
0% of all tasks complete.
0 done · 0 in-progress · 1 pending · 0 notes
all works as expected and the task will be added to a newly created board.
When using Powershell, by wrapping the @[BOARDNAME] in Quotes like below, the expected functionality occurs:
> tb -t "@New Board" This is a task in a new board1
√ Created task: 5
> tb
My Board [1/4]
1. ... Test 1
2. [ ] Test 2
3. [ ] Test 3
4. √ Test 4
@New Board [0/1]
5. [ ] This is a task in a new board
25% of all tasks complete.
1 done · 1 in-progress · 3 pending · 0 notes
Perhaps this is an issue with PS interpreting the @ Symbol as an Array Operator instead of as part of the input string?
Further testing of this issue in PS has shown that simply escaping the @ Character with ` will yield the expected results; and is much quicker for PowerShell users than String Encapsulation.
The only way I can foresee this issue being resolved easily is the change the symbol used as declaration of boards, etc.