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WebdriverIO Workshop
:star2: WebdriverIO Workshop :star2:
Manually testing your website after every change is a :boom: pain :boom:, but setting up a test automation tool can be even worse.
Instead of struggling through :coffee:Java:coffee:, what if you could just use :heartpulse:JavaScript:heartpulse:?
WebdriverIO makes automated testing friendly by providing a NodeJS interface for Selenium-based testing :100:
This workshop will dive deep in to WebdriverIO, an open-source library used for Selenium testing. :cool:
We'll cover all the steps to get started writing automated browser tests, including:
- Installation and Setup
- Mocha, Chai and Assertions
- Common Commands
- Utility Commands
- Pause and Debug
- Next Steps
:ok_hand: Learning Outcomes :ok_hand:
- Install and run WebdriverIO test scripts
- Understand the layers of automated browser testing
- Be able to integrate tests with third-party tools like Sauce Labs
- Have a solid list of next steps for implementing testing on their projects
:construction_worker: Pre-requisites :construction_worker:
This workshop targets folks with the following experience levels (or above):
- Node.js - Basic
- Javascript - Intermediate
- Command line - Basic