ObsidianToHtmlConverter copied to clipboard
Python script for converting obsidian md-file to html (recursively adds all link/images)
I made a python script for converting obsidian md-file to static (local) html (recursively adds all link/images) I made this script for when I need to distribute something from my obsidian vault to someone that either have obsidian, or doesn't.
The script has 2 optional parameters:
- Export to html or not [Y/N]
N: Exports the choosen md-file to a new vault and bring all the images and linked md-files with it (recursively!)
- Easily opened as a new vault in obsidian and everything just works!
Y: Exactly like above, but also create html-files next to the md-files (with images and working links to other md.html-files in vault)
- The script puts an index.html-file in the root of the exported vault that is a direct link to your exported file.md.html for easily access
N: Exports the choosen md-file to a new vault and bring all the images and linked md-files with it (recursively!)
- Download external images to local vault [Y/N] (if export to html is chosen)
- Y: downloads all the images
- N: normal link to external image that downloads when viewed
Run this script from the root of obsidian vault
python3 exportMdFileToHtml.py <filename.md> <[y/n] [y/n]>
- "<filename.md>" no filepath needed unless you have several files with same name
Only tesed on Linux and Windows!