vim-docker-tools copied to clipboard
Toolkit for managing docker containers, networks and images in vim.
Please add feature to inspect container or image and feature stats
Actually working attached container window.
For some functionality it would be useful to be able to execute non-volatile docker functions with the output being redirect to somewhere that is not the UI, such as a...
Currently, when a command is sent to a docker image (e.g. `ping`, or `find .`, only first lines of the output are shown in vim window and after the...
I noticed that the main container info buffer automatically updates perodically, but the docker logs buffer that you can open with < does not. This tool would be even better...
I am aware that usability can become never ending story. Anyway, as I feel the `vim-docker-tools` is hitting the need of couple of users, here is my humble contribution to...
autoload structure require refactoring for more incoming features(e.g. image and network)