css-only-chat icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
css-only-chat copied to clipboard

Use fonts instead of background images

Open Paul-Browne opened this issue 5 years ago • 2 comments

So instead of requesting a bg image, you would use @fontface

I think you can also use font subsetting to request fonts for certain characters

Paul-Browne avatar May 08 '19 16:05 Paul-Browne

Yes, it is possible, but this approach alone could monitor only new unique characters, subsequent characters does not produce requests. I proposed perhaps it could be worked around if subsequent CSS updates defined new font stack for input consisting of one font covering known input value in single ligature and as a fallback classical "keylogging" font.

@font-face { name: written; url(real font with single ligature of last known value)}
@font-face { name: logger; url(?key logging route); unicode-range: ... } /* etc etc */
input { font-family: written, logger; }

(all fonts names unique per response)

Obviously if this simple approach works, it could work just for typing, not deleting, pasting, moving cursor and typing in the middle etc.

Related https://github.com/kkuchta/css-only-chat/issues/2#issuecomment-491011541, https://github.com/kkuchta/css-only-chat/issues/11

myfonj avatar May 09 '19 19:05 myfonj

Please assign this issue to me

Kedarnath-Rothe avatar Oct 23 '23 18:10 Kedarnath-Rothe