ffmpeg-python copied to clipboard
Split video input into video and audio, work on both video and audio frame by frame, save updated frames into separate output files
Hello guys, I have this prototype and I'm trying to create 2 pipe outputs for video and audio, but video part doesn't work. Do you know how this problem could be solved? Audio works as is, and if you comment out audio-related stuff, video works, too.
import ffmpeg
import numpy as np
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Input opts for ffmpeg.probe() and ffmpeg.input()
input_opts = {'threads': 1, 'fflags': 'nobuffer'}
# Probe - discover parameters of the stream
rtsp_stream_link = 'rtsp://SOME_LINK'
probe = ffmpeg.probe(rtsp_stream_link, **input_opts)
# Get video stream info (video frame width, height)
video_stream_info = None
for substream in probe['streams']:
if substream['codec_type'] == 'video':
video_stream_info = substream
width = int(video_stream_info['width'])
height = int(video_stream_info['height'])
# Open RTSP stream
rtsp_stream = ffmpeg.input(rtsp_stream_link, **input_opts)
video_output_opts = {'f': 'rawvideo', 'pix_fmt': 'rgb24'}
rtsp_video_pipe_output = (
.output('pipe:v', **video_output_opts)
.global_args('-y', '-loglevel', 'panic')
save_output_opts = {'vcodec': 'h264'}
video_file_output = (
.input('pipe:v', format='rawvideo', pix_fmt='rgb24', s='{}x{}'.format(width, height))
.output('video_out.mp4', **save_output_opts)
rtsp_audio_pipe_output = (
.output('pipe:a', format='f32le', acodec='pcm_s32le', ac=1, ar='48k')
.global_args('-y', '-loglevel', 'panic')
save_output_opts = {'loglevel': 'error', 'codec:a': 'libmp3lame', 'f': 'mp3'}
audio_file_output = (
.input('pipe:a', format='f32le', acodec='pcm_s32le', ac=1, ar='48k')
.output('audio_out.mp3', **save_output_opts)
start_timestamp_sec = 0
while True:
# Video frame bytes logic
poll_video_data = rtsp_video_pipe_output.poll()
if poll_video_data is None:
# Read bytes from pipe_output
in_video_bytes = rtsp_video_pipe_output.stdout.read(width * height * 3)
if in_video_bytes:
# Transform bytes to pixels
pixels = (
np.frombuffer(in_video_bytes, np.uint8)
.reshape([height, width, 3])
# Audio frame bytes logic
poll_audio_data = rtsp_audio_pipe_output.poll()
if poll_audio_data is None:
in_audio_bytes = rtsp_audio_pipe_output.stdout.read(4*48000)
if in_audio_bytes:
if len(in_audio_bytes) == 4*48000:
The following processes are created:
Video only:
john 165227 8.4 0.2 375456 33984 pts/0 Sl+ 20:27 0:02 /home/john/PycharmProjects/RtspStreamer/.venv/bin/python /home/john/PycharmProjects/RtspStreamer/ffmpeg_approach_combined.py
john 165254 6.4 0.3 295864 54124 pts/0 SLl+ 20:27 0:01 ffmpeg -fflags nobuffer -threads 1 -i rtsp://rtspstream:[email protected]/movie -map 0:v -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 pipe:v -y -loglevel panic
john 165255 49.4 1.6 799336 266712 pts/0 SLl+ 20:27 0:11 ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 720x480 -i pipe:v -vcodec h264 video_out.mp4 -y
Audio only:
john 166208 13.5 0.2 373804 33244 pts/0 Sl+ 20:30 0:00 /home/john/PycharmProjects/RtspStreamer/.venv/bin/python /home/john/PycharmProjects/RtspStreamer/ffmpeg_approach_combined.py
john 166228 1.2 0.2 288700 47796 pts/0 SLl+ 20:30 0:00 ffmpeg -fflags nobuffer -threads 1 -i rtsp://rtspstream:[email protected]/movie -map 0:a -f f32le -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s32le -ar 48k pipe:a -y -loglevel panic
john 166229 0.7 0.2 221456 42752 pts/0 SL+ 20:30 0:00 ffmpeg -f f32le -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s32le -ar 48k -i pipe:a -f mp3 -codec:a libmp3lame -loglevel error audio_out.mp3 -y
Video and Audio:
john 166284 8.3 0.2 374872 34536 pts/0 Sl+ 20:31 0:00 /home/john/PycharmProjects/RtspStreamer/.venv/bin/python /home/john/PycharmProjects/RtspStreamer/ffmpeg_approach_combined.py
john 166293 1.2 0.3 294724 54708 pts/0 SLl+ 20:31 0:00 ffmpeg -fflags nobuffer -threads 1 -i rtsp://rtspstream:[email protected]/movie -map 0:v -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 pipe:v -y -loglevel panic
john 166294 0.7 0.4 558808 65628 pts/0 SLl+ 20:31 0:00 ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 720x480 -i pipe:v -vcodec h264 video_out.mp4 -y
john 166295 1.1 0.2 289944 47196 pts/0 SLl+ 20:31 0:00 ffmpeg -fflags nobuffer -threads 1 -i rtsp://rtspstream:[email protected]/movie -map 0:a -f f32le -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s32le -ar 48k pipe:a -y -loglevel panic
john 166296 1.5 0.2 287884 43008 pts/0 SLl+ 20:31 0:00 ffmpeg -f f32le -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s32le -ar 48k -i pipe:a -f mp3 -codec:a libmp3lame -loglevel error audio_out.mp3 -y
Named pipes can be used as a workaround