ffmpeg-python icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ffmpeg-python copied to clipboard

Split video input into video and audio, work on both video and audio frame by frame, save updated frames into separate output files

Open codekrolik2 opened this issue 10 months ago • 2 comments

Hello guys, I have this prototype and I'm trying to create 2 pipe outputs for video and audio, but video part doesn't work. Do you know how this problem could be solved? Audio works as is, and if you comment out audio-related stuff, video works, too.

import ffmpeg
import numpy as np

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Input opts for ffmpeg.probe() and ffmpeg.input()
    input_opts = {'threads': 1, 'fflags': 'nobuffer'}

    # Probe - discover parameters of the stream
    rtsp_stream_link = 'rtsp://SOME_LINK'
    probe = ffmpeg.probe(rtsp_stream_link, **input_opts)

    # Get video stream info (video frame width, height)
    video_stream_info = None
    for substream in probe['streams']:
        if substream['codec_type'] == 'video':
            video_stream_info = substream
    width = int(video_stream_info['width'])
    height = int(video_stream_info['height'])

    # Open RTSP stream
    rtsp_stream = ffmpeg.input(rtsp_stream_link, **input_opts)

    video_output_opts = {'f': 'rawvideo', 'pix_fmt': 'rgb24'}
    rtsp_video_pipe_output = (
        .output('pipe:v', **video_output_opts)
        .global_args('-y', '-loglevel', 'panic')

    save_output_opts = {'vcodec': 'h264'}
    video_file_output = (
        .input('pipe:v', format='rawvideo', pix_fmt='rgb24', s='{}x{}'.format(width, height))
        .output('video_out.mp4', **save_output_opts)

    rtsp_audio_pipe_output = (
        .output('pipe:a', format='f32le', acodec='pcm_s32le', ac=1, ar='48k')
        .global_args('-y', '-loglevel', 'panic')

    save_output_opts = {'loglevel': 'error', 'codec:a': 'libmp3lame', 'f': 'mp3'}
    audio_file_output = (
        .input('pipe:a', format='f32le', acodec='pcm_s32le', ac=1, ar='48k')
        .output('audio_out.mp3', **save_output_opts)

    start_timestamp_sec = 0
    while True:
        # Video frame bytes logic
        poll_video_data = rtsp_video_pipe_output.poll()
        if poll_video_data is None:
            # Read bytes from pipe_output
            in_video_bytes = rtsp_video_pipe_output.stdout.read(width * height * 3)
            if in_video_bytes:
                # Transform bytes to pixels
                pixels = (
                    np.frombuffer(in_video_bytes, np.uint8)
                    .reshape([height, width, 3])


        # Audio frame bytes logic
        poll_audio_data = rtsp_audio_pipe_output.poll()
        if poll_audio_data is None:
            in_audio_bytes = rtsp_audio_pipe_output.stdout.read(4*48000)
            if in_audio_bytes:
                if len(in_audio_bytes) == 4*48000:

codekrolik2 avatar Apr 08 '24 04:04 codekrolik2

The following processes are created:

Video only:

john      165227  8.4  0.2 375456 33984 pts/0    Sl+  20:27   0:02 /home/john/PycharmProjects/RtspStreamer/.venv/bin/python /home/john/PycharmProjects/RtspStreamer/ffmpeg_approach_combined.py
john      165254  6.4  0.3 295864 54124 pts/0    SLl+ 20:27   0:01 ffmpeg -fflags nobuffer -threads 1 -i rtsp://rtspstream:[email protected]/movie -map 0:v -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 pipe:v -y -loglevel panic
john      165255 49.4  1.6 799336 266712 pts/0   SLl+ 20:27   0:11 ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 720x480 -i pipe:v -vcodec h264 video_out.mp4 -y

Audio only:

john      166208 13.5  0.2 373804 33244 pts/0    Sl+  20:30   0:00 /home/john/PycharmProjects/RtspStreamer/.venv/bin/python /home/john/PycharmProjects/RtspStreamer/ffmpeg_approach_combined.py
john      166228  1.2  0.2 288700 47796 pts/0    SLl+ 20:30   0:00 ffmpeg -fflags nobuffer -threads 1 -i rtsp://rtspstream:[email protected]/movie -map 0:a -f f32le -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s32le -ar 48k pipe:a -y -loglevel panic
john      166229  0.7  0.2 221456 42752 pts/0    SL+  20:30   0:00 ffmpeg -f f32le -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s32le -ar 48k -i pipe:a -f mp3 -codec:a libmp3lame -loglevel error audio_out.mp3 -y

Video and Audio:

john      166284  8.3  0.2 374872 34536 pts/0    Sl+  20:31   0:00 /home/john/PycharmProjects/RtspStreamer/.venv/bin/python /home/john/PycharmProjects/RtspStreamer/ffmpeg_approach_combined.py
john      166293  1.2  0.3 294724 54708 pts/0    SLl+ 20:31   0:00 ffmpeg -fflags nobuffer -threads 1 -i rtsp://rtspstream:[email protected]/movie -map 0:v -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 pipe:v -y -loglevel panic
john      166294  0.7  0.4 558808 65628 pts/0    SLl+ 20:31   0:00 ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 720x480 -i pipe:v -vcodec h264 video_out.mp4 -y
john      166295  1.1  0.2 289944 47196 pts/0    SLl+ 20:31   0:00 ffmpeg -fflags nobuffer -threads 1 -i rtsp://rtspstream:[email protected]/movie -map 0:a -f f32le -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s32le -ar 48k pipe:a -y -loglevel panic
john      166296  1.5  0.2 287884 43008 pts/0    SLl+ 20:31   0:00 ffmpeg -f f32le -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s32le -ar 48k -i pipe:a -f mp3 -codec:a libmp3lame -loglevel error audio_out.mp3 -y

codekrolik2 avatar Apr 08 '24 04:04 codekrolik2

Named pipes can be used as a workaround

codekrolik2 avatar Apr 08 '24 06:04 codekrolik2