Kai O'Reilly
Kai O'Reilly
The error only occurs when using Linux on Chromebook. Copy and Paste works on Windows, Mac, and normal Linux.
When using Linux on Chromebook, after using paste the window freezes.
It still doesn't work well with the new ChromeOS update (Chrome version 79). You can copy and paste once, but when you try to do it a second time the...
We also need to fix panics after adding a nil function in a slice view (eg: when adding a function to Stylers). You probably just shouldn't be able to add...
It makes the most sense to do this by embedding fonts into executables, so a simple `goki fetch font FontName` command in [goki/packman](https://github.com/goki/packman) that downloads fonts, puts them in the...
The Noto fonts will be available for apps to use by #568, but developers may want more fonts, so we should still probably do this.
We should also support a similar thing for icons and support generating constants for icons.
I implemented a basic version of transitions previously, but it still needs to be cleaned up. Also, we need to decide when, if ever, we want to use basic property...
Basic property transitions only make things look slow and do not improve the end-user experience. The only transitions that it makes sense to implement are real animations, which are more...