designless icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
designless copied to clipboard

Bootstrap 3 powered Drupal 7 theme with minimalistic design intended for personal blogs and other content centered sites.


Bootstrap 3 powered Drupal 7 theme with minimalistic design intended for personal blogs and other content centered sites.

###How to develop (preferably)

  1. Install [Ruby] ( and [node.js] (

  2. Install necessary gems: gem install bootstrap-sass compass

  3. Install necessary node.js packages (package.json): npm install

  4. Install and enable LiveReload browser plugin

  5. Start watching for changes (Gruntfile.js): grunt
    Any changes in scss will cause their recompilation. Any changes in scss, js and templates will cause page reload.

Note: you may skip steps 3-5 if you prefer using compass watch command to recompile sass/*.scss files.

###How to develop (traditionally)

It's possible to make changes directly in stylesheets/styles.css file without scss -> css recompilation if you prefer traditional CSS-based development approach.