wimproved.vim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wimproved.vim copied to clipboard

:sparkles: Better fullscreen and more on Windows.

:sparkles: wimproved.vim Build status


An effort to create a better editing experience for Vim on Windows.
Supports fullscreen while taking care to fix visual glitches seen in other plugins.

Put the following in your .vimrc and enjoy!

autocmd GUIEnter * silent! WToggleClean


:WCenter {scale}

  • Centers the window on the current monitor. If scale is non-zero, resizes
    the window as a percentage (scale / 100) of the current monitor size.

:WSetAlpha {alpha}

  • Sets the alpha of the window to the given value.


  • Toggles full-screen support.


  • Toggles between the default and 'clean' window styling.


Install using your favorite plugin manager. The plugin expects wimproved.dll to exist in the root plugin folder. If you have cmake and Visual Studio installed run the following:

cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" . && nmake

Running tests

npm install
npm test


Contributions and pull requests are welcome.


This software is licensed under the MIT license. © 2015 Killian Koenig <[email protected]>.

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