lispdocs.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lispdocs.nvim copied to clipboard examples and notes, instantly under your finger tips


View community usage examples/notes from within your editor.


Note: This plugin will only work on neovim 0.5.

Plug 'olical/conjure'
Plug 'kkharji/sqlite.lua'
Plug 'kkharji/lispdocs.nvim' " its a filetype plugin so no need to do any extra work.


  • <leader>hh open a float
  • <leader>hv open vsplit
  • <leader>hs open split
  • <leader>hn open in the current window
  • <leader>hf launch telescope symbol finder
  • <leader>h<space> launch telescope symbol finder


disable default mappings: let g:lispdocs_mappings = 0


lispdocs functions takes a dict defining the following.

  • opts.display: which display type to use, "vsplit", "float", "split". o
  • float options (look at vim.w), most notably winhl which the background highlighting and winblend for transparency
  • opts.symbol: The symbol to search for.
  • opts.fill: How much the float window should cover, default 80% or as the option expect 0.8 .
  • opts.border: the float window chars, see default ["─" "│" "╭" "╮" "╰" "╯"].
  • opts.buf: buffer specific options, applies to all display types, (see


nnoremap <leader><cr> :lua require'lispdocs'.float{ fill = 0.5, win = { winblend = 0, :cursorline false }}<cr>
nnoremap <leader>clojure :lua require'lispdocs'.split{ buf = {ft = "clojure"}}<cr> " bad idea


  • [X] Create a fuzzy finder with telescope.nvim
  • [ ] Enable navigation between symbol docs through See Also section.
  • [ ] Print to conjure float buffer if a symbol is not found
  • [ ] support ClojureScript
  • [ ] support hy
  • [ ] support janet