apkshellext copied to clipboard
can't delete or rename zero size apk file because it is used by explorer process
Same issue - unfortunately had to uninstall as I cannot delete nor download apk files with this active.
I have this problem too. Apparently, the file handles are not released. I want the developer to pay attention to this.
the dll is active, unregister or "uninstall" the apkshellext , reboot and then should be able the delete zero file apk, later can you "reinstall" register it again .. imho it's a access issue for read the icon, like i guess... it's only a dll who can you register or unregister.. read the cmd file.. and try to understand what's goes on
and then can you work with "regsvr32.exe" .. the best choice is, if you use the cmd file
@kkguo you should add an if "the file<=0"
in size, in your code for make able to deleting.. have also some errors from time to time on my fedora smb-server.
best :)
I write a bat can help with this problem no need uninstall or reboot. Hope author can fix this problem. Is this project still being updated?
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: Step 1: Let the user input the number of files to delete echo Please enter the number of files you want to delete (1, 2, or 3): set /p FileCount=
:: Confirm if the file count is correct if "%FileCount%"=="1" goto :GetFiles if "%FileCount%"=="2" goto :GetFiles if "%FileCount%"=="3" goto :GetFiles echo Invalid input. Please enter 1, 2, or 3. goto :eof
:GetFiles :: Step 2: Receive file paths for /L %%i in (1,1,%FileCount%) do ( echo Please drag and drop the %%i file into this window and press Enter/Or enter the file path: set /p "FilePath%%i=" rem Remove any additional double quotes and spaces from the path set "FilePath%%i=!FilePath%%i:"=!" set "FilePath%%i=!FilePath%%i: =!" )
:: Kill explorer.exe echo Closing Windows Explorer... taskkill /f /im explorer.exe taskkill /f /im dllhost.exe timeout /t 2 /nobreak > nul
:: Step 3: Delete files for /L %%i in (1,1,%FileCount%) do ( set "FilePath=!FilePath%%i!" if exist "!FilePath!" ( echo Deleting: "!FilePath!" DEL /F /Q "!FilePath!" ) else ( echo File does not exist: "!FilePath!" ) )
:: Step 4: Restart explorer.exe echo Restarting Windows Explorer... start explorer.exe
echo Deletion process complete. endlocal