vim-envy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-envy copied to clipboard

Light color scheme for Vim with comfortable contrast.


Light color scheme for Vim with comfortable contrast. Intended for both day and night usage with moderate screen brightness and color temperature.

A "fake-busy" screenshot gives an idea of some highlights in action. Colors are used sparingly and mostly for UI-related highlights (search, errors, etc...).

More screenshots




Use either set termguicolors or set notermguicolors: the color scheme should look practically the same, as all colors are from the 256 Xterm color palette.

16-color terminals probably work, but not tested. Colors for terminal emulators provided further below.

Terminal colors

This is a subset of Envy's palette that can be used to achieve consistent colors in your terminal emulator and Vim.

16 colors

Color Normal Bright
Black #000000 #585858
Red #D70000 #D70000
Green #005F00 #005F00
Yellow #D75F00 #D75F00
Blue #005FD7 #005FD7
Purple #5F00D7 #5F00D7
Cyan #0087AF #0087AF
White #B2B2B2 #B2B2B2

Extra colors

Color Foreground Background
Text #000000 #EEEEEE
Selection #000000 #AFD7FF