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Crash on call DllMain
Hello! Thanks for the POC and that you share it with us! I tried to adopt your POC and do some tryings altough whenever I try to call the actual DLLMain Entrypoint it just seems to crash, any idea? Here is how I did it:
print_info("Payload is now mapped to the target process VA: 0x%llX\n", deployment_va.Value);
try_read_deployed_image((u64)deployment_va.Value, target_process_id);
DWORD ep_rva = get_entry_point_rva(;
printf("%llu \r\n", ep_rva);
int ret = run_implant(deployment_va.Value, ep_rva);
printf("return: %i \r\n", ret);
int run_implant(PVOID mapped, DWORD ep_rva)
ULONG_PTR implant_ep = (ULONG_PTR)mapped + ep_rva;
return dll_main((HINSTANCE)mapped, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, 0);
this doesn't have an implementation of calling entry point
Correct hence I added one as seen above. Its failing when calling it on deployment_va.Value which should be correct as far I understand your POC. Thanks very much.
@kkent030315 do you have an idea what could be the reason for the crash after calling DllMain on deployment_va.Value? Technically it should be fine when call DllMain on deployment_va.Value but maybe this is not possible with your POC? Thanks again.
Wrong context. You are executing entry point on the local process which is not existent, deployment virtual address is only exists on the target remote process Use CreateRemoteThread or any hooks Also this is manual map, you do not have to define entry point as normal DLLs DllMain
Additionally the example code of PE manual map does not support/resolve imports You have to implement it by yourself (or use lazy importer which does not left any imports)
Firstly thanks for your suggestions, I adopted it and tried it out now using the following:
#include "lazy_imports.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
_In_ DWORD fdwReason,
_In_ LPVOID lpvReserved
if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
char Buffer[512];
sprintf_s(Buffer, "Calling MessageBoxA from DllMain @ %016llx!\n", &DllMain);
LI_FN(MessageBoxA)(GetDesktopWindow(), Buffer, "Hello", MB_SYSTEMMODAL);
return TRUE;
Also added CreateRemoteThread to execute the EP as the following:
CreateRemoteThread(target_process_handle, nullptr, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)remote_image_base, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
Where CreateRemoteThread has been called on deployment virtual address on the target remote process. This sadly results in an instant Memory Management BSOD once executed without showing the actual MessageBoxA.
Yes it should crash because you are referencing 2nd (and 3rd) parameters in your DllMain which did not provided. CreateRemoteThread can only pass one context parameter.
See function pointer type in CreateRemoteThread and stop defining entry point as a normal DllMain template style
Also sprintf is a CRT import.
- disable security check in C++ option
- disable control flow guard in C++ option
- override entry point in linker option
- disable all default libraries in linker option These should make compiled image cleaner and minimum imports / without CRT support
LI_FN(MessageBoxA)(GetDesktopWindow(), Buffer, "Hello", MB_SYSTEMMODAL);
You don't have to pass HWND, could be null.
MessageBoxA(nullptr, "A", "B", MB_OK);
Yes it should crash because you are referencing 2nd (and 3rd) parameters in your DllMain which did not provided. CreateRemoteThread can only pass one context parameter.
You are right, I should have spot more on it this is pretty much my first time working with CreateRemoteThread for injecting code, seems pretty interesting and powerful. I came to this solution, does this seem correct?
// The virtual memory on the deployment location of the target process
VIRTUAL_ADDRESS deployment_va = { remote_image_base };
deployment_va.Pml4Index = payload.PML4Index;
print_info("Payload is now mapped to the target process VA: 0x%llX\n", deployment_va.Value);
try_read_deployed_image((u64)deployment_va.Value, target_process_id);
HANDLE target_process_handle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, target_process_id);
DWORD ep_rva = get_entry_point_rva(;
ULONG_PTR implant_ep = (ULONG_PTR)deployment_va.Value + ep_rva;
CreateRemoteThread(target_process_handle, NULL, 0, (PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)dll_main, NULL, 0, NULL);
VirtualFree(mapped_image, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
return true;
See function pointer type in CreateRemoteThread and stop defining entry point as a normal DllMain template style
I agree, since this is just a test project I decided to define it as normal DllMain, custom entry point is always better.
Also sprintf is a CRT import.
That is correct as well, I am working with your suggestions currently to ditch all CRT stuff in order to complete my tests.
disable security check in C++ option
disable control flow guard in C++ option
override entry point in linker option
disable all default libraries in linker option These should make compiled image cleaner and minimum imports / without CRT support
The first 2 were already disabled, I am working on the minimum imports and without CRT support right now, hoping this solves my issues.
LI_FN(MessageBoxA)(GetDesktopWindow(), Buffer, "Hello", MB_SYSTEMMODAL);
You don't have to pass HWND, could be null.
MessageBoxA(nullptr, "A", "B", MB_OK);
That is correct as well, I basically put in there as I had some compiler issues, altough to be sure I had tested the Dll with an normal injection before to be sure the Dll works.
Thanks for all your suggestions and the help!
I have no crashes anymore but the sample MessageBox (removed the sprintf as well to be sure) does still not pop up, the code I used:
#include "lazy_imports.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
_In_ DWORD fdwReason,
_In_ LPVOID lpvReserved
if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
LI_FN(MessageBoxA)(nullptr, "Hello", "Hello", MB_SYSTEMMODAL);
return TRUE;
The output is correct too:
See function type in CreateRemoteProcess
I see so the above implementation is not correct? How would I go about the correct way? As far I understand LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE is a function pointer so when I set the dllmain funcptr to the EP it should execute? Thanks again ✌️
2nd param won't be available in CreateRemoteThread so your if statement won't evaluated
using MyEntryPointType = void (*)(void* context);
/* DLL Payload: No CRT, No static links */
void MyEntryPoint(void* context) { LI_FN(MessageBoxA)(nullptr, "A", "B", MB_OK); }
std::is_same_v<decltype(&MyEntryPoint), MyEntryPointType>,
"entry point function type mismatch");
indeed, 2nd parameter is not passed by createremotethread, the value will be random because it points to the incorrect stack memory
So I cannot pass a function like I did as it will exceed 1 argument, I see and understand. Would there be a way to call it with more arguments to it? Or what would be a better way? I see the sample EP you've posted with just 1 argument, I will give it a try now. I am very thankful for your help!
there aren't any way you can do but you can pass a pointer to the dynamically allocated context
struct my_entry_point_context_t {
unsigned long aaa;
unsigned long bbb;
unsigned long ccc;
/* On the implanter */
my_entry_point_context_t my_entry_context{}; = 1;
my_entry_context.bbb = 2;
my_entry_context.ccc = 3;
const auto alloc_base = VirtualAllocEx(
template<typename T>
bool write(const void* addr, const T&& value) {
return !!WriteProcessMemory(deployment_target, addr, &value, sizeof(T), ...);
write(alloc_base, my_entry_context);
/* On the deployed dll payload */
void MyEntryPoint(my_entry_point_context_t* context) {
/* Called by CreateRemoteThread with passing dynamically allocated context */
Firstly, marry xmas! Secondly, thanks again for that detailed writeup! I implemented it as you have suggested, however the sample MessageBox does still not popup, also the allocated RWX memory in the target process seems to be empty for whatever reason.
print_info("Payload is now mapped to the target process VA: 0x%llX\n", deployment_va.Value);
try_read_deployed_image((u64)deployment_va.Value, target_process_id);
HANDLE target_process_handle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, target_process_id);
DWORD ep_rva = get_entry_point_rva(;
ULONG_PTR implant_ep = (ULONG_PTR)deployment_va.Value + ep_rva;
my_entry_point_context_t my_entry_context{}; = 1;
my_entry_context.bbb = 2;
my_entry_context.ccc = 3;
const auto alloc_base = VirtualAllocEx(target_process_handle, nullptr, sizeof(my_entry_point_context_t), MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
WPM(target_process_handle, alloc_base, my_entry_context);
CreateRemoteThread(target_process_handle, NULL, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE>(implant_ep), alloc_base, 0, 0);
VirtualFree(mapped_image, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
Payload Dll:
#include "pch.h"
#include "lazy_imports.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
struct my_entry_point_context_t {
unsigned long aaa;
unsigned long bbb;
unsigned long ccc;
void MyEntryPoint(my_entry_point_context_t* context)
/* Called by CreateRemoteThread with passing dynamically allocated context */
LI_FN(MessageBoxA)(nullptr, "HELLO", "Hello", MB_SYSTEMMODAL);
Debug it by yourself.