Results 17 issues of kkHAIKE

I noticed that some packages with very low stars have been included. I think this repository should prioritize security.


1. 是不是现在还不能私有部署? 2. UI 的各种问题(比如 cookies 共用)能不能想办法修复一下。。 3. 扫描 Go 的代码在哪个组件完成的? 4. 看文档说不用手动注册能够用 Admin 自动生成,实际上还是要手动录入 package struct 的吧? 5. 机器学习如何解决 go 函数内的异步,数据 Mock 之类的问题的?文档上说对函数本身没什么要求。 6. 这个比 LLM 生成的 UT 靠谱吗?...


relate https://github.com/keystone-engine/keystone/commit/622fe09217bb61cb15b1bfb9502e519614b9448f ADR and ADRP share the same `getAdrLabelOpValue`, but the imm calc is diffrent..

because the close authority is set to metadata account. Furthermore, the official website (https://developers.metaplex.com/token-metadata/token-2022) also states that this cannot be done. Why is this the case? Wouldn't it result in...

sonic arm64 依赖 MBP M1 2020 benchmark go1.18.2 源码只用了 avx, 没法通过 sse2neon 自动转换,所以对比不是很明显。。 ``` === RUN TestEncoder --- PASS: TestEncoder (0.00s) === RUN TestDecoder --- PASS: TestDecoder (0.00s) === RUN...