Krys Kamieniecki

Results 53 issues of Krys Kamieniecki

Multi processing will mess up ids. Maybe based on position in archive?

process lFSB5 (call them fsbc?) files to fsb files. Check remove 16 byte header. convert .DECA.fsb/.DECA.wave to .fsbc/.wavec also what is fmod_bankc ? Is it an APEX format, just an...

This may require a side panel or other ui object


Something like resources/gz/runtime_strings.txt. Every time the project is opened try to process strings in this file. So users can easily add new vpaths

1. Use Ghidra to get the latest strings 2. Compare string against RTPC ids 3. Add searching exe for strings directly.

def image_import(vfs, node, ifile: str, opath: str): Assumes same encoding as original file in archive Assumes fixed header size in source dds file. Which may change depending on if it...

BEPP Tank is a good start

This could be used to come up with an max length for ADF instances, using the location of the string id did not work consistently. These lengths can then be...