Kevin Krumwiede
Kevin Krumwiede
I was shocked and dismayed to find that my `ExcelRange.Value` contained a `double`, and found this issue while looking for a way to fix that. How feasible would it be...
@swmal Interesting. Apparently Excel uses some tricks to hide some (but not all) [floating point errors](, and its calculations are almost-but-not-quite IEEE 754. [Accountants know]( and just live with it.
I think this is known. [This SO answer]( describes similar behavior: >The way `AuthorizeAttribute works ... will block the page from rendering, so this should prevent Blazor from starting altogether...
@mkArtakMSFT Thanks for the link. That's a convenient way of avoiding some of the redundancy. But for full consistency, you still need to ensure that `HandleChallengeAsync` displays or redirects to...
@halter73 Aha! I followed that link and saw the `AuthenticationHandler` wrapping `AuthenticationStateProvider` but overlooked the significance of the other suggestion. That does neatly solve the problem. I'm not sure why...
This is a lock the doors, order pizza, nobody goes home until it's fixed level bug, and it's been over a year. What is going on at Microsoft?
@julealgon The incorrect implementation of the payload deserializer means that OData does not and fundamentally cannot implement its own spec. Every OData 8.x API in the world is failing to...
@julealgon Any reason for which you'd want to disable the `Count()` query. The existence of a feature to disable that query implies the existence of a reason to do so....
@KasperKimose Sorry I missed your question. Make sure the trigger is of the interface type, but the `DbSet` is of the concrete type that implements it.
@gathogojr That's how it's supposed to work, not how it actually works. I cited that exact section of the spec in the comments on the original bug report. `ODataActionPayloadDeserializer` iterating...