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The Course Packet

This packet contains the course material, data, slides, and code. It’s an RStudio project, so to launch it, double-click on data_wrangling.Rproj and RStudio will open with this project ready to go.

What’s here

The course_notes.qmd document

An RMarkdown document to get you started on taking your own notes for the course.

The data/ folder

Datasets we will use during the course.

The code/ folder

All of the code snippets from the slides, as R script files.

The pdf_slides/ folder

PDF versions of the slides from the course.

The slides/ folder

Quarto files and various supporting files to generate HTML versions of the slides. The HTML versions can be viewed in a web browser. These files require supporting packages that I did not ask you to install beforehand, so do not expect them to work out of the box.