distributed-trie copied to clipboard
Distributed Trie library written in Ruby.
What is distributed-trie
- distributed-trie is a trie library for key-value store.
- It is scalable ( with DHT system like DynamoDB )
- It supports Tokyo Cabinet / memcached / gdbm / pure hash / Redis / DynamoDB / SimpleDB
The reason why i developed
- I need a trie library for Sekka ( japanese input method ).
- I need a trie library which written in pure Ruby.
- I need a trie library which can scale out.
gem install distributed-trie
- Add keyword to trie.
- Delete keyword to trie. ( not implemented... )
- commonPrefixSearch by keyword.
- fuzzySearch by jaro winker edit distance.
- search with user-defined-function.
- distributed-trie gem only manage trie data structure.
- You should manage your application data which corresponds to trie key.
Sample code
require 'distributedtrie'
require 'distributedtrie/kvs/tokyocabinet'
kvsTc = DistributedTrie::KvsTc.new( '/tmp/distributed-trie.tch' )
trie = DistributedTrie::Trie.new( kvsTc, "Sample::" )
trie.addKey!( "apple" )
trie.addKey!( "application" )
trie.addKey!( "orange" )
result = trie.commonPrefixSearch( "app" )
print result
# => [ "apple", "application" ]
result = trie.fuzzySearch( "app", 0.80 )
print result
# => [[0.9066666666666667, "apple"], [0.8236914600550963, "application"]]
- Ruby 1.9.1 or higher
- JRuby 1.6.6 or higher
- fuzzy-string-match gem
- Copyright (C) Kiyoka Nishiyama [email protected]
See also
- http://github.com/kiyoka/distributed-trie
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_hash_table
- http://www.allthingsdistributed.com/2007/10/amazons_dynamo.html
- BSD License