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Run Hadoop Custer within Docker Containers

Results 47 hadoop-cluster-docker issues
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i am getting tis error library initialization failed - unable to allocate file descriptor table - out of memory./run-wordcount.sh: line 28: 258 Aborted (core dumped) hdfs dfs -cat output/part-r-00000

这个启动之后可以宿主机通过容器ip访问容器的hadoop服务吗?https://blog.csdn.net/qq_33419925/article/details/109355355 这篇文章上是实现了,但是我个人按这个步骤来怎么都行不通,所以来咨询一下~ 查阅了相关资料,不知道怎么改造才能实现对宿主机使用172的ip进行访问

17/04/03 18:03:31 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: hadoop-master/ Already tried 0 time(s); retry policy is RetryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=10, sleepTime=1000 MILLISECONDS) 17/04/03 18:03:32 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: hadoop-master/ Already tried...

How can I solve this error ![001](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/27408905/150677988-3adcaf42-f13a-43e3-a7ea-83caf89f187c.png)

start hadoop-master container... start hadoop-slave1 container... start hadoop-slave2 container... env: Files: No such file or director

i follow the instructions and successful startup the hadoop using ./start_hadoop.sh. But when i run the wordcount example, i got this messages, and it just stop there: root@hadoop-master:~# ./run-wordcount.sh mkdir:...

root@hadoop-master:~# ./run-wordcount.sh 18/12/04 03:48:57 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at hadoop-master/ 18/12/04 03:48:58 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 2 18/12/04 03:48:58 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: number of splits:2 18/12/04...