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JavaMultipleMethod not working at all

Open imperialguy opened this issue 7 years ago • 0 comments

Here's a piece of code that is getting the definitions of a method called click inside a java class called Region:

def get_signature(cls_tp):
    tp = cls_tp.getName()
    if tp[0] == '[':
        return tp.replace('.', '/')
    signatures = {
        'void': 'V', 'boolean': 'Z', 'byte': 'B',
        'char': 'C', 'short': 'S', 'int': 'I',
        'long': 'J', 'float': 'F', 'double': 'D'}
    ret = signatures.get(tp)
    if ret:
        return ret

    return 'L{0};'.format(tp.replace('.', '/'))

def get_signature_tuple(obj, objtype):
    is_varargs = obj.isVarArgs()

    if objtype == 'method':
        is_static = Modifier.isStatic(obj.getModifiers())
        sig = '({0}){1}'.format(
            ''.join([get_signature(x) for x in obj.getParameterTypes()]),
        return (sig, is_static, is_varargs)
    elif objtype == 'constructor':
        sig = '({0})V'.format(
            ''.join([get_signature(x) for x in obj.getParameterTypes()]))
        return (sig, is_varargs)

def run():
    from pprint import pprint
    klass = 'org/sikuli/script/Region'

    c = find_javaclass(klass)
    methods = c.getMethods()

    method_signatures = [get_signature_tuple(method, 'method') for method in methods if method.getName() == 'click']
    constructor_signatures = [get_signature_tuple(constructor, 'constructor') for constructor in constructors]


The above code gives the following result, when the python function run is run:

        ('(Ljava/lang/Object;)I', False, False), 
        ('(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Integer;)I', False, False), 
        ('()I', False, False)

So, we now have proof that the Region class has a method called click with three different possible definitions.

  • The first definition says, it accepts an Object as argument1; returns an integer
  • The second definition says, it accepts an Object as argument1, and Integer as argument2; returns an integer
  • The third definition is irrelevant to us

Now, let's look at the following code:

class SRegion(JavaClass):
    __javaclass__ = 'org/sikuli/script/Region'
    __metaclass__ = MetaJavaClass
    __javaconstructor__ = [
    ('(II)V', False),
    ('(IIII)V', False),
    ('(IIIII)V', False),
    ('(IIIILorg/sikuli/script/IScreen;)V', False),
    ('(Lorg/sikuli/script/Region;)V', False),
    ('(Ljava/awt/Rectangle;)V', False)]

    click = JavaMultipleMethod([
        ('(Ljava/lang/Object;)I', False, False), 
        ('(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Integer;)Ljava/lang/Object', False, False), 
        ('()I', False, False)

def run():
    target1 = '4-7aure5.png'

    Screen = autoclass('org.sikuli.script.Screen')
    reg = SRegion(Screen().getRect())

        match = # this works fine
    except Exception, e:
       logger.debug('Success for single argument')

        match =, 1) # this fails
    except Exception, e:
        logger.debug('Failed for multiple arguments')
        logger.debug('Error: {}'.format(e))

The above code spits the following result:

Success for single argument
Failed for multiple arguments
Error: No methods matching your arguments

In other words, pyjnius is not able to find the overloaded method click matching the second defintion above. Can anyone help with this please?

imperialguy avatar Feb 09 '18 16:02 imperialguy