
Results 51 comments of kissingers

I add all if (!bossWP) return or if (bossWP && other) judge after call FindInAreaWPs, till now no crash ,I will test more time and feedback

> Can you provide an example ? Firstly, SetCanFly uage is completely wrong. This method is often badly used, but it is mainly for players. You should use "SetDisableGravity" for...

And I find when felmyst at sky fly, if cast spell, will need add flow code again, otherwise will drop to ground and run at ground, it seems cast spell...

Why not change Schedule(23s, [this](TaskContext) to Schedule(21s, [this](TaskContext), So It always appear first before the delay 22s, if both 22s or 23s, might because code operate have diff time, so...

Too big not fit for the game fighting to boss, normaly the pet large not than the biggest player module is better, such as Minotaurs

and I think now module is fit for play the game

and the module scale change has been repeated several times, and every time you mess with the boss if the pet too big, players complain more about blocking the screen...

so I dont think this is a problem or a real game problem

Anymore I think now scale is BLZ game size, I never see so big pets when play at BLZ WLK this the web form 2010-09-19, there are some maps can see the origin pets size.