JKBigInteger copied to clipboard
SquareRoot unavailable.
There is no square-root method which would be very useful. I've taken the liberty of writing a square-root approximation code that will get about 99.9% accurate to the actual value. Having a "SquareRootApprox" function would even be useful to many programmers I'd assume. (*Note: uses containsString
which is iOS8+, this can be converted to .rangeOfString !=
for further compatability.
-(NSString *)squareRootEstimateOfNumber:(NSString *)number {
if ([number containsString:@"."]) {
number = [[number componentsSeparatedByString:@"."] objectAtIndex:0];
int significantDigits = (int)[pString @"%i", INT_MAX].length-1;
JKBigDecimal *numberJKF = [[JKBigDecimal alloc] initWithString:number];
int numberOfDigits = (int)number.length;
if (numberOfDigits <= significantDigits) {
return [pString @"%i", (int)round(sqrt([number floatValue]))];
} else {
JKBigDecimal *tenJKF = [[JKBigDecimal alloc] initWithString:@"10"];
int divisorExponent = numberOfDigits-significantDigits-(numberOfDigits%2);
int factorExponent = (int)((float)divisorExponent/2.0f);
JKBigDecimal *divisorJKF = [[JKBigDecimal alloc] initWithString:@"1"];
divisorJKF = [tenJKF pow:divisorExponent];
JKBigDecimal *factorJKF = [[JKBigDecimal alloc] initWithString:@"1"];
factorJKF = [tenJKF pow:factorExponent];
float significantFigures = (float)[[[numberJKF divide:divisorJKF] stringValue] floatValue];
int significantRoot = (int)round(sqrt(significantFigures));
JKBigDecimal *significantRootJKF = [[JKBigDecimal alloc] initWithString:[pString @"%i", significantRoot]];
JKBigDecimal *estimateRootJKF = [[JKBigDecimal alloc] initWithString:@"1"];
estimateRootJKF = [significantRootJKF multiply:factorJKF];
return [estimateRootJKF stringValue];