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C# .NET Core Wrapper to Programmatically call image compression algorithms
.NET Standard Wrapper to allow for programmatic call for both OptiPNG and JPEGOptim to compress image. There is an addition nQuant PNG Quantizer which does not require the binary to be installed.
All Compression methods are lossy.
All dependency needs to be avaliable via ${PATH}
PNGQuant - PNG Compression Tool. Minimum version 2.12.0
JPEGOptim - JPEG Compression Tool. Minimum version 1.4.4
Ensure Binary version are up to date!
Check PNGQuant version :
$ pngquant --verbose
Check JPEGOptim version :
$ jpegoptim --help
Getting Started
Install via .NET CLI
$ dotnet add package Kirinnee.Minimage
Install via NuGet Package Manager
PM> Install-Package Kirinnee.Minimage
Without Settings
///Invoke the compressor
Compressor jpegOptim = new JpegOptim();
//Image bytes
byte[] image = File.ReadAllBytes("path");
//Compress bytes
byte[] compressed = await jpegOptim.Compress(image);
With Settings
var options = new JpegOptimOptions(){
Quality = 80, //Maximum quality, default 76
StripAll = true, //Strip all metadata and markers, default true
Overwrite = false, //Overwrite target file if it already exist, default false
Progressive = false, //Make the image progressive. Will make the image not progessive if false. default true,
Force = true //Compress regardless of
///Invoke the compressor
Compressor jpegOptim = new JpegOptim(options);
//Image bytes
byte[] image = File.ReadAllBytes("path");
//Compress bytes
byte[] compressed = await jpegOptim.Compress(image);
Without Settings
///Invoke the compressor
Compressor pngQuant = new PngQuant();
//Image bytes
byte[] image = File.ReadAllBytes("path");
//Compress bytes
byte[] compressed = await pngQuant.Compress(image);
With Settings
var options = new PngQuantOptions(){
QualityMinMax = (65,80), //Minimum = 65, Maximum = 80. Default null
Spped = 1, //Value between 1 and 11. default 3.
IEBug = false, //Attempt to fix iebug. default false.
Bit = 256 //bit-rate. default 256
///Invoke the compressor
Compressor pngQuant = new PngQuant(options);
//Image bytes
byte[] image = File.ReadAllBytes("path");
//Compress bytes
byte[] compressed = await pngQuant.Compress(image);
High-speed quantizer, using Xialoin Wu's fast optimal color quantizer with nQuant. Image quality drops quite significantly, but runs really fast.
///Invoke the compressor
Compressor wuQuant = new WuQuant();
//Image bytes
byte[] image = File.ReadAllBytes("path");
//Compress bytes
byte[] compressed = await wuQuant.Compress(image);
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We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- kirinnee
This project is licensed under MIT - see the file for details