Kiran Shila
Kiran Shila
This should be fixed on the latest release
here is the compiled js ```js (function() { try { return, (function() { var ret__6698__auto__ = new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 2, [new cljs.core.Keyword(null, "a", "a", -2123407586), (1), new cljs.core.Keyword(null, "b", "b",...
Seemingly both this issue and #28 are embedded specific as they work fine on the linux build. Additionally, the above js runs just fine when pasted in. Implying something is...
This should be fixed in #24
Hey! I haven’t worked on it in a bit, but I plan on kinda rebuilding it. I’ve learned a lot more Julia since I wrote this, and would love to...
I'm also experiencing this issue, also with a USB CDC-ACM device
Sorry for the close - that was an accident. Any success with these fixes?
We'll have to gate the tests behind a `#?(:clj ...` as well
Thanks for the work, Stel!