Kiran Krishnamachari
Kiran Krishnamachari
Hey Robert, a question about the "Content-style trade-off" option in the original ADAIN looks like you're using a default value of 1.0 for alpha? Can I change that...
@thucbx99 I downloaded the folder you shared but get an error. Is there are a more updated version? `FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/datasets/synthia/synthia_mapped_to_cityscapes/0005012.png'`
@thucbx99 May I also know why results for only 13 classes are listed for Synthia -> Cityscapes at this link?: AFAIK, there are 16 common classes between Synthia and...
@yuheyuan did you manage to solve this problem with the download link provided?