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Some questions about pairing and sending command relay

Open vdomos opened this issue 7 years ago • 0 comments


I pair a Nodon In wall module with a Nodon windows switch and pairing is ok, the switch can control first relay module. I received this messages with enocean_example.py:

2017-05-25 14:15:52,437 - enocean.protocol.packet - INFO - Sending response to UTE teach-in.
2017-05-25 14:15:52,438 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 01:9D:1C:18->FF:FF:FF:FF (-49 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd4', '0xa0', '0x2', '0x46', '0x0', '0x12', '0x1', '0xd2', '0x1', '0x9d', '0x1c', '0x18', '0x0'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x31', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:15:52,439 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - INFO - Sending packet
2017-05-25 14:15:52,440 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - FF:C0:AC:80->01:9D:1C:18 (-255 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd4', '0x91', '0x2', '0x46', '0x0', '0x12', '0x1', '0xd2', '0xff', '0xc0', '0xac', '0x80', '0x0'] ['0x3', '0x1', '0x9d', '0x1c', '0x18', '0xff', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:15:52,550 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 0x02 ['0x0'] [] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:16:02,618 - enocean.protocol.packet - INFO - Sending response to UTE teach-in.
2017-05-25 14:16:02,619 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 01:9D:1C:18->FF:FF:FF:FF (-52 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd4', '0xa0', '0x2', '0x46', '0x0', '0x12', '0x1', '0xd2', '0x1', '0x9d', '0x1c', '0x18', '0x0'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x34', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:16:02,619 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - INFO - Sending packet
2017-05-25 14:16:02,620 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - FF:C0:AC:80->01:9D:1C:18 (-255 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd4', '0x91', '0x2', '0x46', '0x0', '0x12', '0x1', '0xd2', '0xff', '0xc0', '0xac', '0x80', '0x0'] ['0x3', '0x1', '0x9d', '0x1c', '0x18', '0xff', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:16:02,730 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 0x02 ['0x0'] [] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:16:05,720 - enocean.protocol.packet - INFO - Sending response to UTE teach-in.
2017-05-25 14:16:05,721 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 01:9D:1C:18->FF:FF:FF:FF (-48 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd4', '0xa0', '0x2', '0x46', '0x0', '0x12', '0x1', '0xd2', '0x1', '0x9d', '0x1c', '0x18', '0x0'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x30', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:16:05,721 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - INFO - Sending packet
2017-05-25 14:16:05,721 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - FF:C0:AC:80->01:9D:1C:18 (-255 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd4', '0x91', '0x2', '0x46', '0x0', '0x12', '0x1', '0xd2', '0xff', '0xc0', '0xac', '0x80', '0x0'] ['0x3', '0x1', '0x9d', '0x1c', '0x18', '0xff', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:16:05,832 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 0x02 ['0x0'] [] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:16:08,807 - enocean.protocol.packet - INFO - Sending response to UTE teach-in.
2017-05-25 14:16:08,808 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 01:9D:1C:18->FF:FF:FF:FF (-48 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd4', '0xa0', '0x2', '0x46', '0x0', '0x12', '0x1', '0xd2', '0x1', '0x9d', '0x1c', '0x18', '0x0'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x30', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:16:08,809 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - INFO - Sending packet
2017-05-25 14:16:08,809 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - FF:C0:AC:80->01:9D:1C:18 (-255 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd4', '0x91', '0x2', '0x46', '0x0', '0x12', '0x1', '0xd2', '0xff', '0xc0', '0xac', '0x80', '0x0'] ['0x3', '0x1', '0x9d', '0x1c', '0x18', '0xff', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:16:08,810 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 05:04:09:BD->FF:FF:FF:FF (-45 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd5', '0x0', '0x5', '0x4', '0x9', '0xbd', '0x0'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x2d', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:16:08,839 - enocean.protocol.packet - INFO - >> Module ID: 050409BD, Signal: -45dBm
2017-05-25 14:16:08,840 - enocean.protocol.packet - INFO - >> CO: {u'value': u'open', u'description': u'Contact', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 0}
2017-05-25 14:16:08,920 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 0x02 ['0x0'] [] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:16:18,966 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 05:04:09:BD->FF:FF:FF:FF (-45 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd5', '0x8', '0x5', '0x4', '0x9', '0xbd', '0x0'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x2d', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:16:18,971 - enocean.protocol.packet - INFO - >> Module ID: 050409BD, Signal: -45dBm
2017-05-25 14:16:18,973 - enocean.protocol.packet - INFO - >> CO: {u'value': u'open', u'description': u'Contact', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 0}
2017-05-25 14:16:19,069 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 01:9D:1C:18->FF:FF:FF:FF (-48 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x4', '0x60', '0xe4', '0x1', '0x9d', '0x1c', '0x18', '0x0'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x30', '0x0'] OrderedDict()

In this messages base ID of USB controller is FF:C0:AC:80, relay module ID is 01:9D:1C:18 and Windows switch ID is 05:04:09:BD

  • My first question:

What this message means:

2017-05-25 14:15:52,439 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - INFO - Sending packet
2017-05-25 14:15:52,440 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - FF:C0:AC:80->01:9D:1C:18 (-255 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd4', '0x91', '0x2', '0x46', '0x0', '0x12', '0x1', '0xd2', '0xff', '0xc0', '0xac', '0x80', '0x0'] ['0x3', '0x1', '0x9d', '0x1c', '0x18', '0xff', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:15:52,550 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 0x02 ['0x0'] [] OrderedDict()

Is that said that the usb controller is also paired with the micromodule?

  • 2nd question

If the usb controller is properly paired with the relay module, I did not understand the examples given in the issues to be able to control these relays from the controller.

Can you give me some code example?

  • 3rd question

After pairing the two modules, I received now this messages when Nodon windows sensor switch trig: Windows switch "closed", received message from Nodon in wall module when relais trig to off:

2017-05-25 14:23:39,842 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 05:04:09:BD->FF:FF:FF:FF (-45 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd5', '0x9', '0x5', '0x4', '0x9', '0xbd', '0x0'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x2d', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:23:39,862 - enocean.protocol.packet - INFO - >> Module ID: 050409BD, Signal: -45dBm
2017-05-25 14:23:39,864 - enocean.protocol.packet - INFO - >> CO: {u'value': u'closed', u'description': u'Contact', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 1}
2017-05-25 14:23:39,943 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 01:9D:1C:18->FF:FF:FF:FF (-48 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x4', '0x60', '0x80', '0x1', '0x9d', '0x1c', '0x18', '0x0'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x30', '0x0'] OrderedDict()

Windows switch "open", received message from Nodon in wall module when relais trig to on:

2017-05-25 14:26:06,111 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 05:04:09:BD->FF:FF:FF:FF (-45 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd5', '0x8', '0x5', '0x4', '0x9', '0xbd', '0x0'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x2d', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
2017-05-25 14:26:06,112 - enocean.protocol.packet - INFO - >> Module ID: 050409BD, Signal: -45dBm
2017-05-25 14:26:06,113 - enocean.protocol.packet - INFO - >> CO: {u'value': u'open', u'description': u'Contact', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 0}
2017-05-25 14:26:06,215 - enocean.communicators.SerialCommunicator - DEBUG - 01:9D:1C:18->FF:FF:FF:FF (-48 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x4', '0x60', '0xe4', '0x1', '0x9d', '0x1c', '0x18', '0x0'] ['0x1', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x30', '0x0'] OrderedDict()

There is switch message like CO: {u'value': u'open', u'description': u'Contact', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 0} But relay message does not seem to be decoded.

Sorry for all these beginner questions and thank you in advance for your help

vdomos avatar May 25 '17 13:05 vdomos