David Kinyanjui
David Kinyanjui
Hello, can you please share the dataset you used for training?
Hello, I am a student trying to do a project that is quite similar to this repo. I would like to inquire on how I can get the training data...
When I run this code: ``` mel_spectrogram_layer = get_melspectrogram_layer(input_shape=input_shape, n_mels=128, pad_end=True, n_fft=512, win_length=400, hop_length=160, sample_rate=SR, return_decibel=True, input_data_format='channels_last', output_data_format='channels_last') ``` I get this error: ``` usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/kapre/time_frequency.py:110: UserWarning: Do not pass an...