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Install KintoHub on K3s
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. We confirmed being able to install KintoHub on Minikube -> We need also be able to install it on K3s and provide a doc for that.
Describe the solution you'd like Test the deployment of KintoHub on K3s and create a page in our kinto-docs for that.
I deployed KintoHub on k3d following Minikube documentation and everything runs smoothly. I had only one problem, when deploying a service, it get stuck on Allocating resources. This may take a few seconds.
Hey @Utwo
Thanks for trying.
Can u try to run kubectl get pod -n kintohub
while the deployment is running, then `kubectl logs -n kintohub [pod with error status] to see what's the issue there?
Checked, no errors, everything is up.
You need to trigger a deployment first. Because the workflow pods have a TTL.
Yes, I did that.
It is not possible.
You must trigger a new deployment (delete this service) and immediately run the commands above. The pods used for the deployment workflow last Max 5 minutes if I am not mistaken.
If it's still does not work, make sure Argo is running fine.
If yes, plz connect with me on
Yes, you were right! Argo had an error. On latest k3d you must set --set controller.containerRuntimeExecutor=kubelet
@Utwo yeah it's because kubernetes now use containerd as a container engine. So everything works as expected?
Yes and no. I can trigger a new deploy now, I can see the logs building the docker image but at the end it fails. I attached the logs below.
But is fine, I managed to get this working on minikube from the first try. :fire:
INFO[0135] cmd: EXPOSE
INFO[0135] Adding exposed port: 80/tcp
INFO[0135] No files changed in this command, skipping snapshotting.
INFO[0135] RUN rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/*
INFO[0135] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
INFO[0136] cmd: /bin/sh
INFO[0136] args: [-c rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/*]
INFO[0136] Running: [/bin/sh -c rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/*]
INFO[0136] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
INFO[0136] COPY --from=builder /app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html/
INFO[0136] Pushing layer to cache now
INFO[0136] Pushing image to
INFO[0136] Taking snapshot of files...
INFO[0136] RUN sed -i '/location \/ {/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;' /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
INFO[0136] cmd: /bin/sh
INFO[0136] args: [-c sed -i '/location \/ {/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;' /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf]
INFO[0136] Running: [/bin/sh -c sed -i '/location \/ {/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;' /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf]
INFO[0136] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
INFO[0136] Pushing layer to cache now
INFO[0136] Pushing image to
WARN[0137] error uploading layer to cache: failed to push to destination HEAD unexpected status code 401 Unauthorized (HEAD responses have no body, use GET for details)
INFO[0137] Pushing image to utwo/de-urgenta-client:f2e0130
INFO[0141] Pushed image to 1 destinations
Deploying service...
Deploying service...
DBG Successfully loaded env var: IMAGE_REGISTRY_HOST=utwo
DBG Successfully loaded env var: NAMESPACE=606f4a23fed9234f585c77d7
DBG Successfully loaded env var: RELEASE_TYPE=DEPLOY
DBG Successfully loaded env var: BLOCK_NAME=de-urgenta-client
DBG Successfully loaded env var: PROXLESS_FQDN=kinto-proxless.kintohub.svc.cluster.local
W0408 18:26:40.557828 173 client_config.go:543] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified. Using the inClusterConfig. This might not work.
DBG Deploying release &{f2e01301-a6f7-4fc0-83f7-8ad6b0d72bf5 9f0fa358-4c0a-4f2d-9032-db91256ce2e9 de-urgenta-client 606f4a23fed9234f585c77d7 utwo/de-urgenta-client:f2e0130 map[app:de-urgenta-client env:606f4a23fed9234f585c77d7 owner:kinto] map[PORT:3000] 60 kinto-builder-workflow-docker 2 <nil> 80 [] <nil> <nil>}
DBG Start watching pods with labels map[app:de-urgenta-client env:606f4a23fed9234f585c77d7 owner:kinto release:f2e01301-a6f7-4fc0-83f7-8ad6b0d72bf5]
start watching logs for service instance de-urgenta-client-f2e01301-a6f7-4fc0-83f7-8ad6b0d72bf5-697rst5p
DEBUG Calling kinto core kinto-core:8080
DEBUG Sending build status - blockName:"de-urgenta-client" envId:"606f4a23fed9234f585c77d7" releaseId:"f2e01301-a6f7-4fc0-83f7-8ad6b0d72bf5" status:<state:FAILURE finishTime:<seconds:1617906425 nanos:486994705 > >
DEBUG Status FAILURE updated
@Utwo it's ur configuration ;) Did you see that -> ?
Yes, I've used the exact same configs as for Minikube and that worked perfectly. Anyway I will test this on Minikube for the moment and if I will have any more questions, I let you know on Slack. Thank you for your time and for this great product!
These are my configs, just for reference:
helm upgrade --install kinto \
--set minio.resources.requests.memory=null \
--set minio.makeBucketJob.resources.requests.memory=null \
--set builder.env.IMAGE_REGISTRY_HOST=utwo \
--set builder.workflow.docker.registry= \
--set[email] \
--set builder.workflow.docker.username=[user] \
--set builder.workflow.docker.password=[pass] \
--set \
--set builder.env.ARGO_WORKFLOW_VOLUME_SIZE=2Gi \
--namespace kintohub kintohub/kinto
@Utwo ok cool, glad to hear that and thanks for checking. I'll test this when I have more time