Sam Hunter
Sam Hunter
Thanks for opening this issue, we currently have a ticket open in the school_house repo to address this: If you want to take a stab at implementing this that...
Hi @chrismccord 👋🏻 I just came across this issue. If it's still something worth doing (and I see the value in not depending on NPM) then I would be interested...
> There were recently some changes in our services repo that may have taken care of this issue. Can someone retest with `10.7.0` or later and post results? Thanks! @admah...
@doomspork I can tackle this later today or tomorrow!
@doomspork this looks cool! Is there any reason you want to stick with Heroku for hosting or are you on board with a switch to Fly? @btkostner I can take...
@btkostner based on my understanding of the [docs]( you shared in the pr, @doomspork will need to add a GitHub secret called `FLY_API_TOKEN` > Step 3 and 4: Now you...
@btkostner you have first dibs on writing a blog if you're interested, but if you don't want to I'd be happy to!
@admah is there a planned release version for this yet? > Currently, if a re-run is initiated, all specs get run on the machines available. That is not optimal. The...
@doomspork I'll take this and see if I can leverage ChatGPT to knock is out quickly in the next week or so!
@codeanpeace I think that's a valuable suggestion. I think as long as it's optional (though encouraged that would be good metadata to have and display). Maybe we could add a...