bluebutton copied to clipboard
Simple daemon that allows you to execute action when bluetooth button shutter pressed. So you can control your PC by low energy button device and few scripts.
$ bluebutton -d="Shutter3" # sudo as necessary
With config
$ cat /home/.config/bluebutton
keyup=echo UP
keydown=echo down; echo DOWN
longup=echo LONG UP
longdown=echo LONG DOWN
$ bluebutton -d="Shutter3" -c /home/.config/bluebutton # sudo as necessary
Ruby >= 2.0
Kernel config
Install the gem:
$ gem install bluebutton # sudo as necessary
Bluetooth button manual installation
You must setup bluetooth stack manually.
- Start scanning mode:
$ bluetoothctl
[bluetooth]$ power on
[bluetooth]$ scan on
- Enable Buetooth Button and wait while it will be found:
[NEW] Device FF:FF:1D:14:79:80 AB Shutter3
- Now you can pair Bluetooth Button and trust to it:
[bluetooth]$ pair FF:FF:1D:14:79:80
[CHG] Device FF:FF:1D:14:79:80 Paired: yes
Pairing successful
[AB Shutter3 ]$ trust FF:FF:1D:14:79:80
[CHG] Device FF:FF:1D:14:79:80 Trusted: yes
[AB Shutter3 ]$ quit