Martin Kinkelin

Results 443 comments of Martin Kinkelin

Hmm, I'd think adding `-DC_SYSTEM_LIBS='atomic;m;pthread;rt;dl;z' -DADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_LDC_SWITCHES='"-platformlib=atomic,rt,dl,pthread,m"'` for *all* stages (incl. `BOOTSTRAP_LDC_FLAGS`) should be sufficient - no need to mod `set_common_library_properties` calls and `BuildDExecutable.cmake`. [In the snippet above, you overwrite `C_SYSTEM_LIBS`...

Looks like `-DADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_LDC_SWITCHES='"-platformlib=atomic,rt,dl,pthread,m"'` isn't used for building the `bootstrap-stage2` compiler then - otherwise they would be present in `bootstrap-stage2/bin/ldc2.conf`, appended to `switches` of the `default` section.

You'll need an MSVC++ installation for that; then linking the MSVCRT statically is the default behavior (except for DLLs). See

It's a custom tiny CRT skeleton, based on the MSVC *DLLs*. If you really want to know more details, see (where the `vcruntime140.lib` is from).

PRs are welcome. - Not sure what position you are talking about - I thought you wanted to link statically, that requires an VS/Build tools installation as mentioned in the...

> I am running Windows 10, and it is not preinstalled. Oh okay, thx - then it's just the UCRT OS component that is installed, but not the VC++ 2015+...

Nope, it's e.g. required for exception handling (it's MSVC++ compatible).

Thx for taking this on! - I assume you've already handled From the posted linker errors, it looks like C++ mangles it as `__float128`, while the host compiler (LDC...

> and there is progress :+1: > gen/logger.cpp:120: undefined reference to `vwarning(Loc const&, char const*, __va_list_tag*)' Okay so the SysZ C ABI seems to use some `__va_list_tag` type for `va_list`...

> So I think we should check top rows and see their compilation flags (Rust, Zig, C) and choose similar options for D. Yep; I've had an extremely quick look...