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判断 iOS 设备是否越狱
Platform | Device | Status |
iOS 9.0.1 | iPhone 5s | Jailbroken |
iOS 12 beta | iPhone 7 | Not Jailbroken |
- 检查环境变量
func isJailed() -> Bool {
// Check env vars
return (getenv("DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES") != nil)
- 检查文件/路径
func isJailed() -> Bool {
// Check files
let paths = [
"/usr/libexec/ssh-keysig", // iOS 9.0.1 Jailbroken device may not have this, either
for path in paths {
return FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path)
return false
- 检查 Cydia URL
func isJailed() -> Bool {
// Check Cydia URL
return UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(URL(string: "cydia://package/com.example.package")!)