WindTerm copied to clipboard
修改文件 /etc/inputrc
set bell-style none
While the command line terminal should no longer beep, vi and vim users will still get a beeping sound when using the text editor. To turn it off temporarily, type the following vim command while in vim.
:set visualbell To turn it off completely, edit or create a .vimrc file in your home directory ( ~/ ) and add the following line:
set visualbell If none of the above helps simply get rid of the PC Speaker beeps by removing the pcspkr module from your system. This should silence it completely:
rmmod pcspkr
If you do not want to hear that annoying beep / bell of your PC Speaker again even after system reboot, edit the following file:
$ sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf And add the following line into the list:
blacklist pcspkr
会话 >> 首选项 >> 会话设置 >> 终端 >> Bell >> Bell Styles >> Mute
上述方法适用于单个会话,可以在 Default Sessions Setting 中设置会话默认值。
引自: 可不可以关闭提示音呢(Can you turn off the beep) #1034