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An easy CRUD operation based on Factory pattern with Mongoose.



npm i quick-crud


yarn add quick-crud

An easy CRUD operation based on Factory pattern with Mongoose. There are four CRUD operations we can do:

  • index({model, where, populateOptions, paginationOptions}) : Fetch all documents with pagination.

    • model - Mongoose model.
    • where - MongoDB filter object.
    • populateOptions - Mongoose population object/string.
    • paginationOptions can get three parameters.
      • limit:number - Resource count to show. Default is 10
      • page:number - Pagination page number. Default is 1.
      • sort:string - MongoDB property sort key. Default is '-createdAt'
  • store({model, data}) - You can create a doc and store it to MongoDB.

    • model - Mongoose model.
    • data - An object of data to store in MongoDB based on Mongoose Schema
  • show({model, where, populationOptions}): Fetch a single document via filter key.

    • model - Mongoose model.
    • where - MongoDB filter object.
    • populateOptions - Mongoose population object/string.
  • update({model, where, data}) - updates the first document that matches where. data is the object where you want to update the data.

    • model - Mongoose model.
    • where - MongoDB filter object.
    • data - An object of data to update that matches with where filter key(s).
  • destroy({model, where}) - Deletes the first documents that matches where from the collection. it returns the document that has been deleted.

    • model - Mongoose model.
    • where - MongoDB filter object.
  • destroyAll({model: where}) - Deletes all documents that matches where from the collection.

    • model - Mongoose model.
    • where - MongoDB filter object.



const qc = require('quick-crud')

qc.store({model: UserModel, data: {
	name: 'John',
	username: 'johnDoe'
}}).then((d) => console.log(d))

Example Response

  _id: 'xxxx',
  name: 'John',
  username: 'johnDoe',
  __v: 0


Fetch all resources with pagination

Fetch all users

const qc = require('quick-crud')

qc.index({model: UserModel}).then((doc) => {


  currentPage: 1,
  pageCount: 1,
  resourceCount: 4,
  data: [
      _id: 'xxxxxx',
      name: 'User 1',
      username: 'username1',
      __v: 0
      _id: 'xxxxxx',
      name: 'User 2',
      username: 'username2',
      __v: 0

Fetch all posts with user polulation

const qc = require('quick-crud')

qc.index({model: PostModel, paginationOptions: {
	page: 2,
	limit: 5
} , populationOptions: {path : 'user'}}).then((doc) => {


	"currentPage": 2,
	"pageCount": 2,
	"resourceCount": 10,
	"data": [
			"_id": "xxxx",
			"title": "example title 1",
			"body": "example body 1",
			"user": {
				"_id": "xxxx",
				"name": "User 1",
				"username": "username1",
				"__v": 0
			"__v": 0
			"_id": "xxxx",
			"title": "example title 1",
			"body": "example body 1",
			"user": {
				"_id": "xxxx",
				"name": "User 2",
				"username": "username2",
				"__v": 0
			"__v": 0
		// ........................
		// ........................

Fetch all posts those are published

qc.index({model: PostModel, where: { published: true }, paginationOptions: {
	page: 2,
	limit: 5
}}).then((doc) => {


  currentPage: 1,
  pageCount: 1,
  resourceCount: 3,
  data: [
      _id: 'xxxx',
      title: 'post1',
      published: true,
      __v: 0
      _id: 'xxxx',
      title: 'post1',
      published: true,
      __v: 0
      _id: 'xxxx',
      title: 'post1',
      published: true,
      __v: 0


Update a post by id

const qc = require('quick-crud')

{	model: Post,
	where: { _id: 'xxxx' },
  	data: {
		title: 'title updated'
).then((doc) => console.log(doc))


    _id: 'xxxx',
    title: 'title updated',
    body: 'example body 10',
    user: 'xxxx',
    __v: 0


Delete a user with username

const qc = require('quick-crud')

qc.destroy({model: User, where: {
	username: 'newusername'
}}).then((doc) => {


  _id: 'xxxx',
  name: 'new name',
  __v: 0,
  username: 'newusername'

Throws exception if no document found

// Exception
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: QuickCrudException: Resource not found